How can I display the result in table for an user defined functions?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
NIANNIAN 2014년 11월 2일
댓글: NIANNIAN 2014년 11월 3일
An amount of money P is invested in an account where interest is compounded at the end of the period. The future worth F yielded at an interest rate i after n periods may be determined from the following formula: F = P(1 + i)n
Write a script to calculate the future worth of an investment for each year from 1 through n. The input from the user should include the initial investment P, the interest rate i (as a decimal), and the number of years n for which the future worth is to be calculated. The output should consist of a table with headings and columns for n and F. Use the fprintf command to achieve a clean and readable format for the table. The following is the expected output from the program for P = $100, 000, i = 0.05 (that is, a 5% interest rate), and n = 10 years.
Enter initial investment in dollars: 100000
Enter the interest rate: 0.05
Enter number of years: 10
year future worth
0 100000.00
1 105000.00
2 110250.00
3 115762.50
4 121550.63
5 127628.16
6 134009.56
7 140710.04
8 147745.54
9 155132.82
10 162889.46
  댓글 수: 3
NIANNIAN 2014년 11월 3일
function furtureworth P=input('Enter initial incestment (dollars):'); i=input('Enter the interest rate (decimal):'); n=input('Enter the number of years:');
x = 0:n;
if (i>=0) F=P*(1+i).^x; y = [x;F]; end
if(i<0)||(P<0) fprintf('sorry,the value of i is not valid for calculation \n'); end
fprintf('\n year future worth\n'); fprintf('%5d %14.2f\n',y)

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채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 11월 2일
Hint: for "The input from the user" use the input() function. Then use a for loop , and put the future worth in there and also the fprintf
for y = 1 : numberOfYears
futureWorth = .......some equation............
fprintf('%d %.2f\n',......................
I hope that's not giving too much away.

추가 답변 (1개)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson 2014년 11월 2일
doc fprintf
doc for


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