I get the error but I dont know how to fix it even try:(

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
sevgul demir
sevgul demir 2021년 11월 25일
댓글: Dyuman Joshi 2021년 11월 26일
% Commented Matlabfi code for the resolution of the sixth case stdUY
clear all
close all
% Computation precision
% x, y and z dimension of the 3D domain. for this case, its a cubic
% domain
Ax=1; Ay=1; Az=1;
% Temperature of the hot (Tamx) & cold (Tmin) sidewalls in Kelvin
Tmin=400; Tmax=1200;
% Inputs for the thermal conductivity as a function of temperature
lx=420.75; ly=420.75; lz=420.75; ax=-(1.627878)*(1e-4);
ay=-(1.627878)*(1e-4); az=-(1.627878)*(1e-4); H1=15;
% number of collocation points in the x, y and z directions
% 1D First and second order derivatives and identity matrixes (see
% N. L. Trefethen, Spectral Methods in MATLAB, Philadelphia:
% SIAM, 2000)
x = cos (pi*(0:Nx)/Nx);
c = [2; ones(Nx-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:Nx);
X = repmat(x,1,Nx+1);
dX = X-X;
Dx = (c*(1./c))./(Dx+(eye(Nx+1)));
Dx = Dx - diag(sum(Dx));
D1_x = Dx; D2_x = Dx^2; I_x = speye(Nx+1);
y = cos (pi*(0:Ny)/Ny);
c = [2; ones(Ny-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:Ny);
Y = repmat(y,1,Ny+1);
dY = Y-Y;
Dy = (c*(1./c))./(dY+(eye(Nx+1)));
Dy = Dy - diag(sum(Dy));
D1_y = Dy; D2_y = Dy^2; I_y = speye(Ny+1);
z = cos (pi*(0:Nz)/Nz);
c = [2; ones(Nz-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:Nz);
Z = repmat(z,1,Nz+1);
dZ = Z-Z;
Dz = (c*(1./c))./(dZ+(eye(Nz+1)));
Dz = Dz - diag(sum(Dz));
D1_z = Dz; D2_z = Dz^2; I_z = speye(Nz+1);
% Adjust the 1D mesh collocation points
x=Ax*x; y=Ay*y; z=Az*z;
% 3D meshgrid
[xx,yy,zz] = meshgrid(x,y,z);
% Vectorize the mesh points
xxv = xx(:); yyv = yy(:); zzv = zz(:);
% 3D partial derivatives with respect to x, y and z directions
% 3D-First order partial derivative with respect to x: D/Dx
% 3D-First order partial derivative with respect to y: D/Dy
D1y = (1/(Ay))*kron(kron(I_x,I_z),D1_y);
% 3D-First order partial derivative with respect to z: D/Dz
D1z= (1/(Az))*kron(kron(D1_z,I_x),I_y);
% 3D-Second order partial derivative with respect to x: D2/Dx2
D2x= (1/(Ax^2))*kron(kron(I_z,D2_x),I_y);
% 3D-Second order partial derivative with respect to y: D2/Dy2
D2y= (1/(Ay^2))*kron(kron(I_x,I_z),D2_y);
% 3D-Second order partial derivative with respect to z: D2/Dz2
D2z= (1/(Az^2))*kron(kron(D2_z,I_x),I_y);
% Construction of the 3D Laplacian
% Identity and zeros matrixes
% Initialization of the temperature (between Tmin=400 &Tmax=1200 K)
k1 = (Tmax - Tmin)/2;
k2 = (Tmax + Tmin)/2;
T = k2 + k1*(yyv/Ay);
% Location of the boundaries
b = find(abs(xx)==Ax |abs(yy)==Ay | abs(zz)==Az);
bx = find(abs(xx)==Ax);
bx_1 = find(xx==-Ax);
bx1 = find(xx==Ax);
by = find(abs(yy)==Ay);
by_1 = find(yy==-Ay & abs(xx)<Ax & abs(zz)<Az);
by1 = find(yy==Ay & abs(xx)<Ax & abs(zz)<Az);
bz = find(abs(zz)==Az);
bz_1 = find(zz==-Az);
bz1 = find(zz==Az);
% Start of the fixed point method iterations
% initialize the difference between the temperature values between two
% successive iterations
dif_it = 10; it = 0;
while dif_it > tol
% 3D operator for the thermal conduction problem with variable thermal
% conductivity: Ltemp
% Enforce boudary conditions on the Ltemp operator
Ltemp(bx1,:) = Oxyz(bx1,:); Ltemp(bx1,:) = D1xCL(bx1,:)+H1*Ixyz(bx1,:);
Ltemp(bx_1,:) = Oxyz(bx_1,:); Ltemp(bx_1,:) = D1xCL(bx_1,:)-H1*Ixyz(bx_1,:);
Ltemp(by_1,:) = Ixyz(by_1,:);
Ltemp(by1,:) = Ixyz(by1,:);
Ltemp(bz1,:) = Oxyz(bz1,:); Ltemp(bz1,:) = D1zCL(bz1,:)+H3*Ixyz(bz1,:);
Ltemp(bz_1,:) = Oxyz(bz_1,:); Ltemp(bz_1,:) = D1zCL(bz_1,:)-H3*Ixyz(bz_1,:);
% 3D operator for the thermal conduction problem with constant thermal
% conduction: Lcond
% Enforce boudary conditions on the Lcond operator
Lcond(bx1,:) = Oxyz(bx1,:); Lcond(bx1,:) =lx*D1x(bx1,:)+H1*Ixyz(bx1,:);
Lcond(bx_1,:) = Oxyz(bx_1,:);
Lcond(bx_1,:) = lx*D1x(bx_1,:)-H1*Ixyz(bx_1,:);
Lcond(by_1,:) = Ixyz(by_1,:);
Lcond(by1,:) = Ixyz(by1,:);
Lcond(bz1,:) = Oxyz(bz1,:); Lcond(bz1,:) =lx*D1z(bz1,:)+H3*Ixyz(bz1,:);
Lcond(bz_1,:) = Oxyz(bz_1,:);
Lcond(bz_1,:) = lx*D1z(bz_1,:)-H3*Ixyz(bz_1,:);
% Right hand term
% Enforce boudary conditions on the righthand term
rhstemp(bx1) = 300*H1;
rhstemp(bx_1) = -300*H1;
rhstemp(by_1) =400;
rhstemp(by1) = 1200;
rhstemp(bz1) = 300*H3;
rhstemp(bz_1) = -300*H3;
% Solution with variable thermal conductivity
% Solution with constant thermal conductivity
% Convergence criterion
dif_it = abs(norm(dif_T,inf));
% Update the temperature value
% Update the itration value
it = it+1;
I get the error in line 24
did try to fix it but couldnt get the result
  댓글 수: 4
per isakson
per isakson 2021년 11월 26일
I encounter the error
Why do you think that dX = X-X; causes an error? What is dX = X-X; intended to do?
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2021년 11월 26일
dX will simply be 0.
Comparing to your other definitions your definition of Dx is incorect. It should be dX in the denominator (line #25)

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