How to plot 3D filled contour ?

조회 수: 83 (최근 30일)
Kamran Afroz
Kamran Afroz 2021년 11월 24일
답변: Star Strider 2021년 11월 24일
HI all!
I have a data with Lat*Lon*Levels (i.e. 161*161*18 double) and I want to plot a filled 3-D contour to show variation throughout the levels.
I am getting error for dimensions as dimension should be 2*2.
Can someone help?

답변 (2개)

KSSV 2021년 11월 24일
You can plot one level at a time:
for i = 1:18
shading interp
If you want to show variation, you need to decide the plane to display and then plot it. For this you need to use slice. Read about slice.

Star Strider
Star Strider 2021년 11월 24일
It would help to know the data and the desired result.
One option is to use the surf function and contour3
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50);
surf(X, Y, Z+5, 'EdgeColor','none')
hold on
contour3(X, Y, Z+5, 15, '-k', 'LineWidth',1)
hold off
grid on
xlabel('Latitude (°)')
ylabel('Longitude (°)')
zlabel('Elevation (km)')
There are probably Mapping Toolbox functions that work similarly if that is being used in the data analysis.


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