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How to concatenate output of objective function for lsqcurvefit?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
2021년 11월 21일
Hi All,
I have an objective function of the form
function [I_num] = PSw_EK_v7(k_m, s_bulk)
k_m is the variable I want to optimize while s_bulk is an array of input data which I want to feed the input function. I am using the lsqcurvefit/lsqnonlin function to fit my simulation to experimental data of the form.
s_bulk = [0, 5e-06, 10e-06, 20e-06, 50e-06, 100e-06];
I_exp = [0, 2.35e-03, 2.7e-03, 3.125e-03, 3.29e-03, 3.25e-03]
Now what I am trying to do is feed the lsqcurvefit function my s_bulk array and get an array of I_num values but I am having difficulty doing that. I have tried arrayfun function but that does not seem to work inside the lsqcurvefit function.
So, to put things short I want to give my s_bulk array and get an array of I_num because that is what lsqcurvefit expects.
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output]=lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
댓글 수: 4
2021년 11월 21일
function [I_anodic] = PSw_EK_v7(k_m, s_bulk)
% Constants Used in the Nernst Equation
C.n = 1; % No. of Electrons Involved
C.F = 96485.3329; % C/mol
C.R = 8.314; % J/(mol.K) or CV/(mol.K)
C.Temp = 273.15+37; % K
% Diffusivity Constants
C.D_s = 7.00E-06; % cm^2/s
C.D_m = 2.81E-06; % cm^2/s (De of polymer)
C.D_e = 0; % because covalently bound
% k_e = kcat / Km + S_bulk hence parameter above is unused
% C.k_m = 4.92E+07; % (mol/cm3)^{-1}s^{-1}
C.kcat = 800; % Turnover No. (1/s)
C.k_e = C.kcat; % Refer to Schnell
C.KM = 2.00E-05; % Michalis Constant (mol/cm^3)
C.P_s = 1; % Partition Coefficient
C.P_m = 1; % Partition Coefficient
% Initial Concentrations
C.e_layer = 5.00E-08; % mol/cm^3
C.m_layer = 1.3E-06; % mol/cm^3
C.Area = 0.0707; % cm^2
C.l = 0.001; % cm
m = 0; % Cartesian Co-ordinates
N = 20; % No. of Points
C.tspan1 = linspace(0, 500, N); % s
xmesh = linspace(0, C.l, N); % cm
% xmesh = logspace(log10(0.000006), log10(C.l), N); xmesh(1) = 0;
E = 0.0; % V
C.E0 = 0.2; % V
C.ScanRt = 0.001; % V/s
C.E_1 = E+(C.ScanRt.*C.tspan1); % Potential Sweep 1
C.epsilon1 = ((C.n.*C.F)./(C.R.*C.Temp)).*(C.E_1-C.E0);
C.c_mred1 = C.m_layer./(1+exp(C.epsilon1)); % Mred
% FIRST POTENTIAL SWEEP Initial & Boundary Condition Call
ic_arg = {@(x)s_bulk.*ones(size(N)) ; @(x)C.e_layer.*ones(size(N)); ...
IC = @(x)PDE_PSw_EK_IC(x, ic_arg, k_m);
BC = @(xl, cl, xr, cr, t)PDE_PSw_EK_BC(xl, cl, xr, cr, t, C, s_bulk, k_m);
optns = odeset('MaxStep',1e-01,'RelTol',1e-09,'AbsTol',1e-10);
sol1 = pdepe(m, @(x, t, c, DcDx)PDE_PSw_EK(x, t, c, DcDx, C, k_m), ...
IC, BC, xmesh, C.tspan1, optns);
% Concentration Profiles c(i, j, k)(Solutions)
c1 = sol1(:, :, 1); % Substrate Conc.
c2 = sol1(:, :, 2); % Ered Conc.
c3 = sol1(:, :, 3); % Mred Conc.
c4 = C.m_layer-c3; % Mox Conc.
% Calculation of Mox flux at electrode surface
for counter = 2:N
[~, dc4Mdx_0(counter)] = pdeval(m, xmesh, c4(counter,:), 0); % Mox Flux at x=0
j_num_ano = (-C.D_m .* dc4Mdx_0);
I_anodic = (C.n .* C.F .* j_num_ano)./(C.Area);
I_anodic = I_anodic(end);
z = 1;
%% pdepe Function PSw_EK_v8
function [cc, ff, ss] = PDE_PSw_EK(x, t, c, DcDx, C, k_m)
% Substrate; Ered; Mred;
cc = [ 1; 1; 1];
ff = [C.D_s; C.D_e; C.D_m].*DcDx;
menten = (C.k_e.*c(1)).*(C.e_layer-c(2))./(C.KM+c(1));
mred = k_m.*(C.m_layer-c(3)).*c(2);
ss = [-menten; -mred+menten; +mred];
%% Initial Condition --> Initial Concentrations of Species
function c0 = PDE_PSw_EK_IC(x, ic_arg, k_m)
% Substrate; Ered; Mred;
c0 = [ic_arg{1}(x); ic_arg{2}(x); ic_arg{3}(x)];
%% Boundary Condition - 1
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = PDE_PSw_EK_BC(xl, cl, xr, cr, t, C, s_bulk, k_m)
% ---------------------
% | | |
% | | |
% | | |
% | | |
% | | |
% | | |
% | | |
% -------|-------------
% pl pr
% Order --> Substrate; Mox; Mred; Eox; Ered
% Substrate;Er; Mox;
pl = [0 ; 0; cl(3)-interp1(C.tspan1,C.c_mred1,t)];
ql = [1 ; 1; 0];
pr = [cr(1)-s_bulk ; 0; 0];
qr = [0 ; 1; 1];
채택된 답변
Matt J
2021년 11월 21일
c0 = [ic_arg{1}(x).'; ic_arg{2}(x).'; ic_arg{3}(x).'];
댓글 수: 19
2021년 11월 21일
편집: Hashim
2021년 11월 21일
Ran it with the following commands.
s_bulk = [0, 5e-06];
I_exp = [0, 2.35e-030];
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag, output]=lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
Error message
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in PSw_EK_v7/PDE_PSw_EK (line 100)
ff = [C.D_s; C.D_e; C.D_m].*DcDx;
Error in PSw_EK_v7>@(x,t,c,DcDx)PDE_PSw_EK(x,t,c,DcDx,C,k_m) (line 64)
sol1 = pdepe(m, @(x, t, c, DcDx)PDE_PSw_EK(x, t, c, DcDx, C, k_m), ...
Error in pdepe (line 246)
[c,f,s] = feval(pde,xi(1),t(1),U,Ux,varargin{:});
Error in PSw_EK_v7 (line 64)
sol1 = pdepe(m, @(x, t, c, DcDx)PDE_PSw_EK(x, t, c, DcDx, C, k_m), ...
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 202)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn_x_xdata{3},xCurrent,XDATA,varargin{:});
Error in PSw_EK_v7_Caller (line 24)
lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue.
Matt J
2021년 11월 21일
You should test your objective function to verify that it works before giving it to lsqcurvefit.
2021년 11월 21일
편집: Hashim
2021년 11월 21일
I can confirm that it works and that I can pass it multiple values via arrayfun and extract multiple outputs like this.
I_anodic = cell2mat(arrayfun(@PSw_EK_v7, s_bulk, 'un', 0));
I am however unable to do something like this using lsqcurvefit...
lsqcurvefit(cell2mat(arrayfun(@PSw_EK_v7, s_bulk, 'un', 0)), k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
I think what I am missing is the inability to output a vector for my array of inputs. Another thing I would like to state here is that for a single input/output value my lsqcurvefit is working i.e. outputting optimized parameters. But it would be much better if lsqcurvefit can take my input array and output the answer vector. I have also tried looping with the unintended side effect that the lsqcurvefit then runs multiple times as well.
Matt J
2021년 11월 21일
Are you sure it wouldn't be enough just to remove this line
I_anodic = I_anodic(end);
With arrayfun, you are passing in the same s_bulk multiple times.
2021년 11월 21일
I need the last value from the array not the whole array hence the end. Thing is I need one value of I_anodic against every value of
s_bulk=[0, 5e-06, 10e-06, 20e-06, 50e-06, 100e-06];.
This is why i've used arrayfun which to my understanding "applies the function func to the elements of A". And so far I am able to generate unique values of I_anodic against s_bulk so I would say that it is working. What is not working is passing the s_bulk to PSw_EK_v7 inside lsqcurvefit to generate unique values of I_anodic. .
Matt J
2021년 11월 21일
But currently your objective function code uses the entirety of s_bulk to generate one value of I_anodic. If the entirety of s_bulk is available within the workspace of your objective already, you should be able to use it there to calculate all the values you need.
2021년 11월 22일
I tried defining s_bulk inside the function but that did not work. Basically something like this...
s_bulk = [0, 5e-06, 10e-06, 20e-06, 50e-06, 100e-06];
C.e_layer = 5.00E-08*ones(length(s_bulk)); % mol/cm^3
C.m_layer = 1.3E-06*ones(length(s_bulk)); % mol/cm^3
2021년 11월 22일
Then I am sorry I was not able to follow your suggestion regarding defining the s_bulk within the objective function.
Matt J
2021년 11월 22일
No, you are already passing s_bulk to the objective function. My question to you is, why can't you do the entire prediction of I_exp there, in the same call? Why are you returning 1 element from your objective function when you can use s_bulk to return 5?
Matt J
2021년 11월 22일
You're the only one who knows your model. Only you understand how the additional elements depend on s_bulk and the unknown parameters.
2021년 11월 23일
The issue is not conceptual rather syntactic. I want to know how can I extract the I_anodic vector against the s_bulk array while using lsqcurvefit?
I have tried.
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output]=lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output]=lsqcurvefit(arrayfun(@(k_m)PSw_EK_v7, s_bulk), k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output]=lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, [0, 5e-06, 10e-06, 20e-06, 50e-06, 100e-06], I_exp, lb, ub, options);
I just want to pass the s_bulk array to lsqcurvefit so that I don't have to run for every individual element of s_bulk.
2021년 11월 23일
If by rule you mean equations then here is the system of PDEs
Results of these PDEs are stored in N*N matrices i.e. (
After that I calculate the flux
using pdeval to use in below expression. I use the final row of the solution BTW so basically
And thus finally I get my
Now my experiemntal data is in the form
s_bulk = [0, 5e-06, 10e-06, 20e-06, 50e-06, 100e-06]
I_exp = [0, 2.35e-03, 2.7e-03, 3.125e-03, 3.29e-03, 3.25e-03]
Matt J
2021년 11월 23일
I just want to pass the s_bulk array to lsqcurvefit so that I don't have to run for every individual element of s_bulk.
You are already doing that. In your original post, you are calling with the syntax,
lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
With this syntax, the entire vector s_bulk is being passed to PSw_EK_v7 every time lsqcurvefit calls it. You can verify this in many ways, but the simplest would be to add a line at the top of PSw_EK_v7 that prints s_bulk to the screen
function [I_anodic] = PSw_EK_v7(k_m, s_bulk)
If you do this, you will see that the entire 1x6 vector s_bulk is available to PSw_EK_v7() every time it is called.
Because s_bulk is being passed to PSw_EK_v7 as a vector, it is not clear why you haven't written PSw_EK_v7 to return a 1x6 vector of predictions to I_exp. You have everything you need within the workspace of PSw_EK_v7.
It is also not clear what the dependence should be. You seem to be suggesting that each element I_exp(i) depends only on a single corresponding s_bulk(i) and that PSw_EK_v7 has been written to expect only a single s_bulk(i) as input. If so, that is clear to no one but you. As far as we and lsqcurvefit know, your model function PSw_EK_v7 is an arbitrary mapping from R^6 to R^6. There is not even a requirement that s_bulk and I_exp be the same size, in general. s_bulk could have been a 1000x1000 matrix even if I_exp is still a 1x6 vector and lsqcurvefit would not have cared.
But if it is true that PSw_EK_v7 has been written to expect only a single s_bulk(i) as input, you could do this instead,
wrapper=@(k_m,s_bulk) arrayfun(@(si)PSw_EK_v7(k_m,si), s_bulk);
lsqcurvefit(wrapper, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
However, it may be more efficient to vectorize the input to the ODE solver in some way...
2021년 11월 23일
편집: Hashim
2021년 11월 23일
"Because s_bulk is being passed to PSw_EK_v7 as a vector, it is not clear why you haven't written PSw_EK_v7 to return a 1x6 vector of predictions to I_exp. You have everything you need within the workspace of PSw_EK_v7. "
I don't want the predictions written to I_exp (exp is experimental data) rather a new vector on its own I_anodic (pdepe output). I then want to call lsqcurvefit to estimate me the parameter k_m. Now I am able to do that when I pass a single value of s_bulk and k_m so something like this works.
s_bulk = 5e-06;
I_exp = 2.35e-03;
[k_m,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output]=lsqcurvefit(@PSw_EK_v7, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
And gives me a fitted value of k_m but then the lsqcurvefit is only fitting against 1 output when I want it to fit against the array of I_anodic calculate from each element of s_bulk (one at a time of course).
Matt J
2021년 11월 23일
편집: Matt J
2021년 11월 23일
My previous comment already tells you how to do that. Here it is again.
wrapper=@(k_m,s_bulk) arrayfun(@(si)PSw_EK_v7(k_m,si), s_bulk);
lsqcurvefit(wrapper, k_m_0, s_bulk, I_exp, lb, ub, options);
I don't want the predictions written to I_exp (exp is experimental data) rather a new vector on its own I_anodic (pdepe output)
Yes, that's why it's refered to as a prediction. I_anodic appears to be your model's prediction of I_exp(i) and depends on s_bulk(i) only, though I've been waiting for you to confirm that.
2021년 11월 23일
편집: Hashim
2021년 11월 23일
Hi, it might be working, let me confirm it and get it back to you. Apparently the execution time is increased manyfolds when I run it this way. And please accept my humble gratitude for your help so far. Is there any way I can get the I_anodic as an output while calling lsqcurvefit?
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