About code génération in Matlab 2014b

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Marc 2014년 10월 17일
댓글: Marc 2014년 11월 4일
When I try to generate code with our own target I've got this error message : "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'builtin_typeid_types.h': No such file or directory " I have a file in my target that use this Matlab header file "rt_logging.h". And when I took a look in this file I saw that there is indeed a reference to 'builtin_typeid_types.h' which is not present anywhere in my Matlab installation folders.
Can you help me for this issue please ?
Thanks and regards,
Mignanelli Marc

채택된 답변

Marc 2014년 10월 22일
Thanks you for your answer, however, I don't have the access to your documentation because we don't have embedded coder license. Nevertheless, I tried to check the "Enable MAT-file logging" option (in Simulink Preferences -> Configuration Defaults -> Code generation), and whatever the option is checked or unchecked I have still the same error message which is : " C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2014b\rtw\c\src\rt_logging.h(17) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'builtin_typeid_types.h': No such file or directory "
Do you have any other idea about this problem ?
Thank you
  댓글 수: 3
Marc 2014년 10월 24일
Thank you for your help
Marc 2014년 11월 4일
In my own target I don't have this Interface menu, so how can I add this MAT-file logging option ? I succeeded in adding the check box on the "configuration parameters" HMI but I don't know how to make it functional.
Thank you

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Jon Boerner
Jon Boerner 2014년 10월 20일
You are correct that the file will not be anywhere in your MATLAB installation. That file is actually created during the code generation process when certain conditions are met. The conditions are explained in this documentation page (ctrl+f for "builtin_typeid_types.h" to find the right table entry):
Generally, the rt_logging.h file is only used if you are logging data to a MAT-file (or maybe using the C API?). So it assumes the MAT-file logging option is checked, which would in turn create the "builtin_typeid_types.h" file.
The best fix is probably to check the 'Enable MAT-file logging' option like the documentation page above describes.


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