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tensor rotation

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Chris Walker
Chris Walker 2011년 9월 13일
I wish to rotate a tensor, T.
My understanding is that I can do so by creating a rotation matrix, R and then simply carry out the instruction:
Trot = R*T*R'
where Trot is the rotated tensor. I then use eig to determine the new Eigen vector directions. I find that sometimes I get results where the Eigen vectors are pointing in directions I do not expect.
However, when I use the same rotation matrix with the file transform.m from File Exchange
then I find the tensor rotates nicely (albeit with some reversals of direction which I believe are due to the eig function).
I cannot figure out why the simple process of pre and post multiplying by the rotation matrix (and it's tranform) only works for some tensors and not others. I am not using the unit tensor (which does not rotate).
I would like to use the multiplication method so that I can vectorize what I am doing.
Any ideas?
Thanks Chris Walker

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