Bullets in MATLAB GUIs

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Mtlb Usr
Mtlb Usr 2011년 2월 18일
I would like to know if there is in MATLAB some uiobject to implement the functionality of bullets.
  댓글 수: 4
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011년 2월 18일
But what (if anything) do you want the bullets to *do*? Or are you just looking for output display? In other words, would a text box suffice, if you could format the text to display a bulleted list?
Mtlb Usr
Mtlb Usr 2011년 2월 18일
I'm just looking for output display.
Yes, I could give a format to one uicontrol with a text style, would be correct! But I don't know how I can do it.

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채택된 답변

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011년 2월 18일
It's not great (see Walter's answer for more discussion), but this basically works:
x = {'abc';'defg';'hijkl';'mn'};
y = regexprep(x,'(.*)',[char(183),' $1']);
I'm assuming you have a cell array of text, one cell per bullet point.
  댓글 수: 3
Mtlb Usr
Mtlb Usr 2011년 2월 18일
Hi Matt,
Yes u are right.
Ok, I think that with your purpose I will can do it. For this reason, I'm going to accept this answer but If I would go farther I would see the Walter's discussion.
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011년 2월 18일
Walter, you're right. I can never keep track of which string functions work with cell arrays. (Plus who doesn't love the chance to mess with regular expressions!)
Mtlb Usr, glad this works for you. Another possibility would be to hack it by making an axes instead of a text box, and plotting a marker, followed by a text annotation. Messy, but I think it would work.

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추가 답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 2월 18일
The more likely to work is to put char(183) at that point. That is officially "middot", a relatively small mark.
What might work is to use, e.g.,
The <HTML> must be the first thing in the string for that particular line.
If it works it will be Unicode character 8226, which is not normally possible to put in to a uicontrol; see more discussion here

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2011년 2월 18일
Are you interested in uitree and uitreenodes, then give a look at this undocumented uitree and the related posts on the bottom.
  댓글 수: 1
Mtlb Usr
Mtlb Usr 2011년 2월 18일
Hi Oleg,
I'm not interested in a tree. I think that these structures are valid when you are going to display several directories or folders.
thank you

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