Simple question with slider in GUI interface
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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I have a GUI interface with an edit text box (tag edit1) and a slider (tag slider 1). At a certain point of the program, a number is shown in the edit text box. What I want to do is to increase by 1 unit the number in edit1 when pressing the up arrow of the slider and decrease it by 1 unit when pressing the down arrow of the slider. What is the code to write into the function
function slider1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
? Thank you
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Image Analyst
2014년 10월 2일
Try this:
% Get string from edit box.
editBoxValue = get(handles.edit1, 'String');
% Convert string to number.
theNumber = str2double(editBoxValue);
% Increment the number.
theNumber = theNumber + 1;
% Send new number back into the edit box.
set(handles.edit1, 'String', theNumber);
You might want to consider use of a slider instead of edit boxes and keystrokes.
댓글 수: 4
Joseph Cheng
2014년 10월 2일
I wonder if you need a slider if you're just using the arrows. two push buttons would do exactly what you want. Or a quick modification of what Image Analysis has supplied
%if you edit the slider to nominal value at 1 and has range/step of 0:1:2
editBoxValue = get(handles.edit1, 'String');
% Convert string to number.
theNumber = str2double(editBoxValue);
%Determine up or down and increment
theNumber = theNumber + get(handles.slider1,'value')-1;
% Send new number back into the edit box.
set(handles.edit1, 'String', theNumber);
%reset slider to 1;
Image Analyst
2014년 10월 2일
편집: Image Analyst
2014년 10월 2일
Here's a snippet from one of my programs. I have 3 sliders. In each slider's callback, it calls this function which reads all the sliders and updates the label above the slider with the current value of the sliders.
% Gets called in the callback of each of the 3 sliders on the GUI.
% Reads the value of each slider and sets the
% caption (static text label) above each slider.
function SliderMoved(handles)
% Set the caption for the smallest dot.
scrollbarValue = round(get(handles.sldSmallest,'Value')); % Round to nearest integer.
set(handles.sldSmallest, 'Value', scrollbarValue); % Send rounded value back in.
caption = sprintf('Smallest Allowable Dot = %d pixels.', scrollbarValue);
set(handles.txtSmallest, 'string', caption);
% Set the caption for the largest dot.
scrollbarValue = round(get(handles.sldLargest,'Value')); % Round to nearest integer.
set(handles.sldLargest, 'Value', scrollbarValue); % Send rounded value back in.
caption = sprintf('Largest Allowable Dot = %d pixels.', scrollbarValue);
set(handles.txtLargest, 'string', caption);
% Set the caption for the threshold.
scrollbarValue = round(get(handles.sldThreshold,'Value')); % Round to nearest integer.
set(handles.sldThreshold, 'Value', scrollbarValue); % Send rounded value back in.
caption = sprintf('Threshold = %d gray levels.', scrollbarValue);
set(handles.txtThreshold, 'string', caption);
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function %s() at line %d.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ...
ME.stack(1).name, ME.stack(1).line, ME.message);
fprintf(1, '%s\n', errorMessage);
return; % from SliderMoved()
Note: You need to set up the slider step first to get exactly 1.
sliderMin = get(handles.slider1, 'Min');
sliderMax = get(handles.slider1, 'Max');
stepValue = 1 / (sliderMax - sliderMin);
set(handles.slider1, 'SliderStep', [stepValue, 3*stepValue]);
You might do that in the yourGui_OpeningFcn() function.
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