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Is there a way to set MaxSQPIter for active-set algorithm under fmincon?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Neilabh Banzal
Neilabh Banzal 2021년 10월 20일
답변: Matt J 2021년 10월 20일
Is there a way to set MaxSQPIter for active-set algorithm under fmincon?
I tried -
options.MaxSQPIter = 1e3;
However, that didn't work, and it just showed me that the optimisation stopped as options.MaxSQPIter is 1.8E+02.

답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2021년 10월 20일
Probably because you didn't pass options to fmincon. Otherwise, show us your code.


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