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Matlab STK connection: How to access available existing objects?

조회 수: 120 (최근 30일)
Christina Jetzschmann
Christina Jetzschmann 2021년 10월 15일
댓글: Christina Jetzschmann 2023년 11월 17일
Dear all,
I am trying to command STK from Matlab. Connection is running well, but now I am seeking for how I access objects in an existing STK scneario. Everything I found in the internet is how to create a new object.
%%Open STK and Scenario
STK.app = actxserver('STK11.application');
STK.root = STK.app.Personality2;
checkempty = STK.root.Children.Count;
if checkempty == 0
%If a Scenario is not open, create a new scenario
STK.app.visible = 1;
%If a Scenario is open, prompt the user to accept closing it or not
rtn = questdlg({'Close the current scenario?',' ','(WARNING: If you have not saved your progress will be lost)'});
if ~strcmp(rtn,'Yes')
STK.app.visible = 1;
%%Get current working folder path
currentFolder = pwd;
%Define STK scenario name (already existing scenario)
STK.scenario.name = append(pwd,'\Test_Mission\Test_Mission.sc');
%Load STK scenario (must be located in the working path)
scenario = STK.root.LoadScenario(STK.scenario.name);
%%Extract scenario data
% Here I want to get information of a ground station and later also a
% satellite in order to calculate e.g. access
Redu_Station = STK.root.GetObjectFromPath('.\Test_Mission\Redu_Station.f');
%%Leave STK scenario and instance
%Close the scenario
%Close STK instance
The error message is:
Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'GetObjectFromPath'.
Unfortunately I do not find any description for the different funcions and how to use them.
Please help me!
  댓글 수: 10
LUCA SEVERIN 2022년 7월 1일
Yes, I did.
Thanks anyway
Mohamed Dewedar
Mohamed Dewedar 2023년 10월 28일
It appears that it has a return type "Void" and you can't assign void to the vaiable "scenario". So use:
without output variable.
You can refer to the senario object afterwards using:
scenario = STK.root.CurrentScenario;

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (2개)

Troy McClure
Troy McClure 2023년 11월 6일
Ever find the answer to this? I'm having the same issue. The docs don't explain how to build the path.

Christina Jetzschmann
Christina Jetzschmann 2023년 11월 17일
For me, this solution is now working:
%% Open STK and Scenario
STK.app = actxserver('STK11.application');
STK.root = STK.app.Personality2;
checkempty = STK.root.Children.Count;
if checkempty == 0
% If a Scenario is not open, create a new scenario
STK.app.visible = 1;
% If a Scenario is open, prompt the user to accept closing it or not
rtn = questdlg({'Close the current scenario?',' ','(WARNING: If you have not saved your progress will be lost)'});
if ~strcmp(rtn,'Yes')
STK.app.visible = 1;
%% Get current working folder path
currentFolder = pwd;
% Define STK scenario name (already existing scenario)
STK.scenario.name = append(pwd,'\Test_Mission\Test_Mission.sc');
% Load STK scenario (must be located in the working path)
scenario = STK.root.LoadScenario(STK.scenario.name);
%% Create handler
% Create handler for spacecraft by using path
handler.MySat = STK.root.GetObjectFromPath('/Satellite/MySat');
% Create handler for facility by using path
handler.Redu_Station= STK.root.GetObjectFromPath('/Facility/Redu_Station');
% Create handler for sensor on spacecraft by using path
handler.MySat_Sensor= STK.root.GetObjectFromPath('/Satellite/MySat/Sensor/Sensor1');
%% Define overall stepsize in [s]
stepsize = 60;
%% Create access
% Define ground station and spacecraft of interest for access calculations.
facility = handler.Redu_Station;
spacecraft = handler.MySat;
sensor = handler.MySat_Sensor;
access_name = 'Redu_Station2MySat_access';
% Call access function (incl. intervals, statistics and AER)
Redu_Station2MySat_access = STKaccess(facility, spacecraft,scenario,stepsize);
Redu_Station2Sensor1_access = STKaccess(facility, sensor,scenario,stepsize);
% ...
%% Leave STK scenario and instance
% Close the scenario
% Close STK instance


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