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Image Mosaicing in MAtlab using SIFT and RANSAC

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Sean 2014년 9월 8일
답변: Soso 2015년 7월 1일
The following is a piece of code that forms a Mosaic of two images after computing the Homography Matrix H using RANSAC pror to which SIFT was used to compute the descriptors:
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Mosaic
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
box2 = [1 size(im2,2) size(im2,2) 1 ;
1 1 size(im2,1) size(im2,1) ;
1 1 1 1 ] ;
box2_ = inv(H) * box2 ;
box2_(1,:) = box2_(1,:) ./ box2_(3,:) ;
box2_(2,:) = box2_(2,:) ./ box2_(3,:) ;
ur = min([1 box2_(1,:)]):max([size(im1,2) box2_(1,:)]) ;
vr = min([1 box2_(2,:)]):max([size(im1,1) box2_(2,:)]) ;
[u,v] = meshgrid(ur,vr) ;
im1_ = vl_imwbackward(im2double(im1),u,v) ;
z_ = H(3,1) * u + H(3,2) * v + H(3,3) ;
u_ = (H(1,1) * u + H(1,2) * v + H(1,3)) ./ z_ ;
v_ = (H(2,1) * u + H(2,2) * v + H(2,3)) ./ z_ ;
im2_ = vl_imwbackward(im2double(im2),u_,v_) ;
mass = ~isnan(im1_) + ~isnan(im2_) ;
im1_(isnan(im1_)) = 0 ;
im2_(isnan(im2_)) = 0 ;
mosaic = (im1_ + im2_) ./ mass ;
figure(2) ; clf ;
imagesc(mosaic) ; axis image off ;
title('Mosaic') ;
if nargout == 0, clear mosaic ; end
I understand box2 is an area that's created based on the size of our second image in which the images will be stitcked. Why then, are we performing an Inverse Homography multiplication on it?
Could someone please explain the steps that follow as I'm not familiar with image mosaicing in Matlab.

답변 (2개)

khadija laaroussi
khadija laaroussi 2014년 11월 26일
can you see this project: https://sites.google.com/site/computervisionadinastoica/project-2-image-mosaicing-workflow

Soso 2015년 7월 1일
Hi Sean;
Did you get how this piece of code works? I am struggling to understand this code. Could you or someone explain to me how this works, please? Thank you in advance.

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