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Minimizing a function

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Jen 2011년 9월 6일
I would like to minimize w'Hw, with respect to w, where w is a vector, and H is matrix.
And with the following constraint, (|w1|+|w2|+|w3| < 3), ie. the l1 norm of the weights vector is less that 3.
How can I do this in matlab?

답변 (3개)

Cédric Devivier
Cédric Devivier 2011년 9월 6일
Maybe the fminsearch function is enough ?
Something like that should work. Copy these two routines in a single m file.
function [w_min value] = minimize(w0,H)
[w_min value] = fminsearch(@(w) funtomini(w,H,w0) , w0);
function value = funtomini(w,H,w0)
if sum(abs(w))<3;
value = w'*H*w;
value = w0'*H*w0;
Find the minimum using this command
[w_min value] = minimize(w0,H);

Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala 2011년 9월 7일
This is a quadratic programming problem, and can be solved very easily using QUADPROG. The only thing is correctly expressing the L1 constraint.
% Make some random H
H = rand(3,3);
H =H+H';
% Express the L1 constraint using matrices:
[X1,X2,X3] = ndgrid([-1 1]);
A = [X1(:) X2(:) X3(:)];
b = 3*ones(size(A,1),1);
% solve for x
x = quadprog(H,[],A,b)
  댓글 수: 4
Jen 2011년 9월 8일
This method is correct, however when I applied to to my problem where N =25, I run out of memory.
I get the following error:
??? Error using ==> horzcat
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in ==> GMVPC1Type3 at 6
A = [X1(:) X2(:) X3(:) X4(:) X5(:) X6(:) X7(:) X8(:) X9(:) X10(:) X11(:) X12(:) X13(:) X14(:)
X15(:) X16(:) X17(:) X18(:) X19(:) X20(:) X21(:) X22(:) X23(:) X24(:) X25(:)];
Error in ==> SCM12 at 63
PortfolioWeights = GMVPC1Type3(SCM);
Do you have any other suggestions?
Jen 2011년 9월 8일
The fmincon code works below for some matrices, but for other, gives equal weights to w1,w2 and w3. Any ideas why this is?

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Jen 2011년 9월 7일
Cedric - Will give it a go
Teja - I initially used QUADPROG, but couldnt find a way of expressing the L1 constraint.
I decided to use fmincon with a nonlinear constraint.
Aeq = [1,1,1;0.05,0.06,0];
beq = [1;0.05];
A = [0,1,0];
b = 0.5;
w0 = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
[w,fval] = fmincon(@myobj,w0,A,b,Aeq,beq,[],[],@myconstraint)
function f = myobj(w)
diagmatrix = [0.15,0,0;0,0.20,0;0,0,0.40];
corrmatrix = [1,0.5,-0.7;0.5,1,-0.4;-0.7,-0.4,1];
covmatrix = diagmatrix*corrmatrix*diagmatrix;
w = [w(1);w(2);w(3)];
f = w'*covmatrix*w;
function [c ceq] = myconstraint(w)
c = abs(w(1)) + abs(w(2)) + abs(w(3))-3;
ceq = [];
My only concern is how well will this work when dealing with large matrices? Is there code to achieve this I wonder?
  댓글 수: 1
Jen 2011년 9월 8일
This code seems to work on some matrices, but on others, it just gives equal weights to w1,w2,w3....anyone have any ideas why?

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