Deleting outliers by code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ron 2014년 8월 18일
편집: Star Strider 2014년 8월 18일
Hi again,
I have a measurements matrix as follows:
105.993000000000 1.64178960306505e+17
106.007000000000 3.10346010252124e+16
106.046000000000 2.22784317607289e+17
106.051000000000 1.48978160280980e+17
106.061000000000 2.79186942297259e+17
106.076000000000 2.02039468852741e+17
106.080000000000 5.02562504223962e+17
the first column is the x value, and the second its the y measurement.
I want to delete the rows in which the average of the neighboring y values are much bigger (or smaller) then the local y (in this example, i want to delete the second row).
How can i do it ?
Thank you !!!

답변 (3개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 18일
Try this, by Brett from the Mathworks:
If you want something less sophisticated, try a modified median filter where you identify outliers, for example by thresholding the signal you get from subtracting the median signal from the original signal and taking the absolute value, and then replace only those elements above the threshold with the median value.
  댓글 수: 7
Ron 2014년 8월 18일
This is the full matrix data (on log scale):
i marked the kind of dots which i want to remove, the algorithm that i had in my mind was
if (y(i-1)+y(i-1))/2 is 10 times bigger/smaller then y(i), delete y(i)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 18일
편집: Image Analyst 2014년 8월 18일
Try this:
outliers = y > (10 * averaged_y) | y < 0.1 * averaged_y
% Remove outliers
y(outliers) = []
averaged_y comes from conv(). By the way, I don't think this (your algorithm) is a very robust algorithm (just think about it and you'll realize why), but might be okay for your specific set of data.

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2014년 8월 18일
It depends on how you define ‘much bigger (or smaller)’, and the number of neighboring elements you want to average over.
To delete the second row is easy enough (calling your matrix ‘X’ here):
X(2,:) = [];
  댓글 수: 2
Ron 2014년 8월 18일
This is just a sample from a bigger matrix, i need it to be systematically removed.
Much bigger/smaller means by power of 10 and only the closest neighboring points (y-1 and y+1)
Star Strider
Star Strider 2014년 8월 18일
편집: Star Strider 2014년 8월 18일
I implemented a linear interpolation between (y-1) and (y+1), excluding (y), instead of an average of (y-1) and (y+1). Did you mean to include (y)?
The problem is that all of your points violate the ‘power-of-ten’ exclusion criterion.
My contribution:
X = [105.993000000000 1.64178960306505e+17
106.007000000000 3.10346010252124e+16
106.046000000000 2.22784317607289e+17
106.051000000000 1.48978160280980e+17
106.061000000000 2.79186942297259e+17
106.076000000000 2.02039468852741e+17
106.080000000000 5.02562504223962e+17];
for k1 = 2:size(X,1)-1
B(:,k1) = [[1 1]' [X(k1-1,1) X(k1+1,1)]']\[[X(k1-1,2) X(k1+1,2)]'];
E(k1) = [1 X(k1,1)] * B(:,k1); % Expected From Interpolation
D(k1) = E(k1) - X(k1,2); % Difference
Ep = E(2:end);
Xp = X(2:end-1,1);
plot(X(:,1), X(:,2), '-xb') % Plot Data
hold on
plot(Xp, Ep, '-+r') % Plot Interpolated Values
hold off

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Guillaume 2014년 8월 18일
편집: Guillaume 2014년 8월 18일
averages = (m(1:end-2, 2) + m(3:end, 2)) / 2; %averages of row, row+2
m([1; abs(averages - m(2:end-1, 2)) > tolerance; end], :) = [];
Should do it
  댓글 수: 5
Guillaume 2014년 8월 18일
Sorry, should have been
m([1; abs(averages - m(2:end-1, 2)) > tolerance; end], :) = [];
I've edited my answer to correct all the typos.
Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng 2014년 8월 18일
Another method would be to use the conv.
Nav= [1 0 1]/2;
test = conv(x,Nav,'valid');
then perform the subtraction from the input (here x) from index t2o to the end-1.
difference =x(2:end-1)-test;
then threshold appropriately.

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