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how to apply blkproc function

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ramya raj
ramya raj 2011년 8월 30일
i am having a image of size 605X700 with NAN values i have to move a window of size
30x700 over this image
i am trying to use the blkproc function
but i don't know the apt parameters that can be passed to the blkproc with respect to my application please help me
  댓글 수: 1
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2011년 8월 30일
exactly what you want to do with the window 30x700?

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답변 (2개)

Max 2011년 8월 30일
just try to apply zero padding over the unwanted areas manually rather than using the bacproc commands

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 8월 30일
blkproc() is not supported in more recent MATLAB, having been replaced by blockproc().
The second argument to blkproc() should be your window size; in this case it would be [30 700]
blkproc() will pad your final 5 x 700 block with 0. It will not, however, be able to signal to you explicitly that it is a padded block.
If you want to use overlapping blocks, please see the older blkproc documentation such as can be found here
  댓글 수: 1
ramya raj
ramya raj 2011년 9월 2일
hai i have used the
B=blkproc(final2,[30 height],@(x)sum(x(~isnan(x))));
but i am getting the answer in a 21X1 matrix as all NAN,Inf,0
what is the problem i can't understand

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