Copy data from table created by MATLAB GUI

조회 수: 28 (최근 30일)
Masood Salik
Masood Salik 2021년 10월 8일
답변: Ronit 2024년 8월 29일
I have a table in GUI with some data. I wanted to copy selected data but Ctrl+C keys don't work here. Does there is anyoption to copy data from the table.

답변 (1개)

Ronit 2024년 8월 29일
Hello Masood,
To copy data from a MATLAB GUI table, use the clipboard function in MATLAB. Using this function, you can copy and paste text to and from the system clipboard.
Create a “Copy” button in the GUI and write a callback function for it. This function should use clipboard function to transfer the table data to the system clipboard, allowing easy pasting elsewhere.
This is how you can create a “Copy” button and name the callback function:
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Copy to Clipboard', ...
'Position', [150, 10, 100, 30], ... % Adjust the position
'Callback', @(src, event)copyTableDataToClipboard(hTable));
Now define clipboard function using the callback function defined earlier:
data = hTable.Data;
% Convert the cell array to a string with tab-separated values
% Customize the data to retrieve that if required
clipboardStr = '';
for i = 1:size(data, 1)
rowStr = strjoin(cellfun(@num2str, data(i, :), 'UniformOutput', false), '\t');
clipboardStr = [clipboardStr, rowStr, '\n'];
% Copy the string to the clipboard
clipboard('copy', clipboardStr);
% Display a message to the user
msgbox('Table data copied to clipboard!');
Please refer to the following documentations for better understanding:
  1. clipboard:
  2. Creating Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically:


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