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Problem using fminbnd function

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Milena Peixoto Rodrigues
Milena Peixoto Rodrigues 2021년 9월 23일
답변: Alan Weiss 2021년 9월 24일
The question gives the equation , and asks to generate a user-defined function for n=2 and 6; with n being the input vector and r being the output vector. The r value ranges from 1 to 5. It also asks to graph the U(r) curve for each n on the same plot and mark the points of the minimum.
I wrote this code:
function r_min=Problem_4_15(n,r1,r2)
close all
U=@(x)4*((1/x).^(2.*n) - (1/x).^(n));
[r_min,U_min]=fminbnd(U,r1,r2,options); % Error Occurrence Line
grid on
xlabel('Distance Intermolecular r*')
ylabel('Potential Energy U')
title('Lennard-Jones-type dimensionless')
legend('function U','minimum r')
Matlab reports the following error:
Problem_4_15([2 6], 1, 5)
Error using fminbnd (line 238)
User supplied objective function must return a scalar value.
Error in Problem_4_15 (line 5)
Part of the fminbnd function code, where line 238 appears:
% Check that the objective value is a scalar
if numel(fx) ~= 1
error('MATLAB:fminbnd:NonScalarObj',... % Line 238
How can I solve this problem to make the code work?
Thanks in advance.

답변 (1개)

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2021년 9월 24일
All optimization solvers require that the objective function return a scalar value. You need to write your objective function in a way that it returns a scalar, not a vector or an array.
If you are trying to solve for a variety of parameter values, well, you will have to write a loop and solve for one parameter value at a time.
Alan Weiss
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