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Make 3d sphere plot from net of sphere

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
sarel aharoni
sarel aharoni 2021년 9월 15일
댓글: sarel aharoni 2021년 9월 19일
Hey I had 360*180 matrix that hold bw image present field of view of camera (azimuth and elevation) I want the plot the field of view on 3d sphere plot...How can i do it?Try to use sph2cart, but get confused... thanks.

채택된 답변

KSSV 2021년 9월 15일
clc; clear all ;
I = imread('cameraman.tif') ;
[m,n] = size(I) ;
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(m-1,n-1) ;
  댓글 수: 4
sarel aharoni
sarel aharoni 2021년 9월 17일
I had balck and white image... I want the white area will plot at the sphere like your code did. But the black area will not plot, and matlab leave this sphere area clear (ball grid only, or hole in the sphere somehow) Hope this is more clear
sarel aharoni
sarel aharoni 2021년 9월 19일
Hay KSSV If i make all '0' spots NaN before draw it will work? And the no-plot the part of sphere?

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