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"Too many output arguments" error while working with the fmincon solver inside the optimization tool.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Explenation after the code.
% Set nondefault solver options
options2 = optimoptions('fmincon','PlotFcn','optimplotfvalconstr');
% Solve
[solution,objectiveValue] = fmincon(@objectiveFcn,w,[],[],[],[],[],[],...
% Clear variables
clearvars options2
These are at default.
function f = objectiveFcn(optimInput)
x = optimInput(1:8124);
y = optimInput(8125:end);
f = -sum(1./(1+exp(-x))*1./(1+exp(-y')),'all');
function [c,ceq] = constraintFcn(optimInput)
x = optimInput(1:8124);
y = optimInput(8125:end);
c = sum(1./(1+exp(-x))*1./(1+exp(-y')).*(1.-aa),'all') - 0.1;
ceq = [];
vector w is passed for optimInput which is a 8243*1 vector. aa variable inside the constraint is a 8124*119 matrix. I am getting the error too many output arguments. How should I model something like this?
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2021년 9월 11일
Please post the complete error message, not just a part of it. Then the reades can see, where the problem occurs. We cannot run your code because w is missing.
Yagiz Dereboy
Yagiz Dereboy 2021년 9월 12일
Oh ok thanks for the heads up. But may I ask how could I have shared a variable?

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채택된 답변

Jan 2021년 9월 11일
A bold guess:
[solution,objectiveValue] = fmincon(@objectiveFcn,w,[],[],[],[],[],[],...
% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This should be "constraintFcn" ?!

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