calculating concrete quantities using GUI

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
noor almasry
noor almasry 2021년 8월 30일
댓글: DGM 2021년 8월 30일
كيفية عمل برنامج لحساب الكميات الخرسانية زي مثلا الالة الحاسبة لكن لا اريد الالة الحاسبة اريد برنامج لحساب الكميات الخرسانية
ياريت ايي حد بعرف يحكيلي
يشمل المخلات ويحتوي على النتائج الستة الي هما حساب كمية الرمل والحصمة والاسمنت والمياه والحديد]
اريد الحل ارجو الحل
  댓글 수: 5
Jan 2021년 8월 30일
I'm using an auto-translator again, because most readers of this forum speak English:
I want GUI.
It includes the pickles and contains the six results that are calculating the amount of sand, gravel, cement, water and iron]I want a solution I want a solution
I do not see a way to help you. The question is too general to be answered. The readers cannot guess, which details you need and how the GUI should look like.
DGM 2021년 8월 30일
Any gui/function design requires a description of both the outputs and the inputs. A very simplistic program might only require the specification of a volume. A practical program would need to acknowledge that not all concrete mixtures are intended for the same purpose and that not all concrete structures are the same. Such a tool might ask for a desired nominal compressive strength target, some measure of workability or achievable finish quality, and perhaps a specification of the application environment. It might also output other recommended admixtures.
Given that the problem statement presumes that only one concrete mixture exists, I assume that a simplistic approach is desired. Since any SME or engineering text would refute this presumption, one has to ask what the presumed ratios are. If we're assuming things, I'd have to assume that this information was provided with the assignment and that I shouldn't need to guess.
For what it's worth, I don't doubt that this problem has been solved before. There are undoubtedly examples of such code floating around.

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