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How can I read multiple sensors through the serial?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Nazmi Rosly
Nazmi Rosly 2021년 8월 27일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2021년 8월 30일
I want to read 3 thermocouple sensor from my Arduino which is connected through serial port. I have succecssfully read the 3 temperature but the result is combine in only 1 graph. So how to make it display in 3 graph for each the sensor.
Matlab Code:
clear all
s = serial('COM4');
data(i) = str2double(fscanf(s));
Arduino Code:
#include "max6675.h" // max6675.h file is part of the library
//thermocouple 1
int so1Pin = 4;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs1Pin = 5;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck1Pin = 6;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
//thermocouple 2
int so2Pin = 8;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs2Pin = 9;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck2Pin = 10;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
//thermocouple 3
int so3Pin = 11;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs3Pin = 12;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck3Pin = 13;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
MAX6675 temp1 (sck1Pin, cs1Pin, so1Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
MAX6675 temp2 (sck2Pin, cs2Pin, so2Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
MAX6675 temp3 (sck3Pin, cs3Pin, so3Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);// initialize serial monitor with 9600 baud
void loop() {
// basic readout test, just print the current temp
// MAX6675 Temperature reading on Serial monitor
Serial.println(temp1.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
delay(100);// Update interval is 1 sec
Serial.println(temp2.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
delay(100);// Update interval is 1 sec
Serial.println(temp3.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
delay(100);// Update interval is 1 sec

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 8월 27일
편집: Walter Roberson 2021년 8월 27일
clear all
s = serial('COM4');
ah(1) = animatedLine('Color','k');
ah(2) = animatedLine('Color','b');
ah(3) = animatedLine('Color','g');
starttime = tic;
while true
data = fscanf(s, '%f%f%f');
if length(data) < 3
fprintf('Data shortage, stopping\n');
curtime = toc(starttime);
addpoint(ah(1), curtime, data(1));
addpoint(ah(2), curtime, data(2));
addpoint(ah(30, curtime, data(3));
#include "max6675.h" // max6675.h file is part of the library
//thermocouple 1
int so1Pin = 4;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs1Pin = 5;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck1Pin = 6;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
//thermocouple 2
int so2Pin = 8;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs2Pin = 9;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck2Pin = 10;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
//thermocouple 3
int so3Pin = 11;// SO1 = Serial Out
int cs3Pin = 12;// CS1 = chip select CS pin
int sck3Pin = 13;// SCK1 = Serial Clock pin
MAX6675 temp1 (sck1Pin, cs1Pin, so1Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
MAX6675 temp2 (sck2Pin, cs2Pin, so2Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
MAX6675 temp3 (sck3Pin, cs3Pin, so3Pin);// create instance object of MAX6675
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);// initialize serial monitor with 9600 baud
void loop() {
// basic readout test, just print the current temp
// MAX6675 Temperature reading on Serial monitor
Serial.print(temp1.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(temp2.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(temp3.readCelsius());// Read temperature in Degree Celcius unit
delay(100);// Update interval is 1 sec
Notice that you (probably) only need one delay of 100 for all three sensors together
The timing I do for the X axis could be improved: you could have the arduino keep track of its timing and send that information along with the temperatures, so that what you were plotting was the time of collection rather than the time MATLAB collected the data.
I would even say that you should change the
to just
and let MATLAB just sit at the fscanf() until it got data from the arduino -- less risk of the delays on the two sides getting badly ouf of synchronization.
  댓글 수: 9
Nazmi Rosly
Nazmi Rosly 2021년 8월 30일
It's okay since all the error can be fixed just by google the error. One more thing that I want to ask is can we save all the data in the workspace?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 8월 30일
You can store the values as they are received; the difficulty is in storing them efficiently . It is not advisable to fwrite() each set of points as it is received, and it is not advisable to extend arrays as each set of points is received.
animatedline() deals with the situation internally by having fixed-length buffers (5000 points by default) and keeping track of the position within the current buffer; when a buffer fills, then it adds on a new buffer -- but it only has to move pointers to do that, rather than copying data each time.
It is possible to get all of the point locations after the loop is terminated (which happens in the code I posted when a data read fails.) Using ah(1), ah(2), ah(3) as the handles to the animatedlines, then
is an object array that you can treat as a struct array. The fields to look at are XData, YData, ZData.
is the total over all segments (buffers). Remember that the last segment will probably not be full, so use
mod(ah(1).NumPointsAdded-1, ah(1).SegmentSize) + 1
to calculate the number of points actually used in the last segment.

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