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Report Generator, independently formatting Formal Table columns and changing a header

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Hello! I am new to the DOM and report generator, and I wasn't able to accomplish my reporter relying solely on documentation.
I have created the Formal Table from Matlab Table (and added it to a report later).
import mlreportgen.report.*
import mlreportgen.dom.*
X = zeros(5,1);
Y = ones(5,1);
Z = ["A";"B";"C";"D";"E"];
T = table(X,Y,Z)
FT = FormalTable(T); % Formal table from a regular table
styleT = {NumberFormat("%1.3f"),...
Border('inset','black','2px'), ...
ColSep('single','black','1px'), ...
FT.Style = [FT.Style styleT]; % Applying common style
rpt = Report('A');
Now I want:
  1. Change header content in the Formal Table FT ('X' should be 'Variable X')
  2. Left align the first column
  3. Apply Number '%.1f' to the second column, so each cell in the second row will be 1.0 instead of 1.000
  4. Represent content of the 3rd column in the Formal Table without quotes
I am sure all these thing are possible. Please help me.
Thank you!

채택된 답변

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2021년 8월 25일
편집: Kevin Holly 2021년 8월 25일
X = zeros(5,1);import mlreportgen.report.*
import mlreportgen.dom.*
X = zeros(5,1);
Y = ones(5,1);
Z = ["A";"B";"C";"D";"E"];
T = table(X,Y,categorical(Z),'VariableNames',{'Variable X', 'Variable Y','Variable Z'})
T = 5×3 table
Variable X Variable Y Variable Z __________ __________ __________ 0 1 A 0 1 B 0 1 C 0 1 D 0 1 E
FT = FormalTable(T); % Formal table from a regular table
styleT = {NumberFormat("%1.3f"),...
Border('inset','black','2px'), ...
ColSep('single','black','1px'), ...
FT.Style = [FT.Style styleT]; % Applying common style
groups(1) = TableColSpecGroup();
specs(1) = TableColSpec();
specs(1).Style = { HAlign('left') };
specs(2) = TableColSpec();
specs(2).Style = { HAlign('center') };
specs(3) = TableColSpec();
specs(3).Style = { HAlign('center') };
groups(1).ColSpecs = specs;
FT.ColSpecGroups = groups;
%Generate Report
rpt = Report('A');
  댓글 수: 5
Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2021년 8월 26일
Here is how you can edit the header content after using FormalTable. This gets rid of the warning.
import mlreportgen.report.*
import mlreportgen.dom.*
X = cellstr(num2str(zeros(5,1),'%1.3f'));
Y = cellstr(num2str(ones(5,1),'%.1f'));
Z = ["A";"B";"C";"D";"E"];
T = table(categorical(X),categorical(Y),categorical(Z));
FT = FormalTable(T); % Formal table from a regular table
styleT = {Border('inset','black','2px'), ...
ColSep('single','black','1px'), ...
FT.Style = [FT.Style styleT]; % Applying common style
FT.Header.Children.Children(1).Children.Content = 'Variable X';
FT.Header.Children.Children(2).Children.Content = 'Variable Y';
FT.Header.Children.Children(3).Children.Content = 'Variable Z';
groups(1) = TableColSpecGroup();
specs(1) = TableColSpec();
specs(1).Style = [{HAlign('left')}];
specs(2) = TableColSpec();
specs(2).Style = [{HAlign('center')}];
specs(3) = TableColSpec();
specs(3).Style = { HAlign('center')};
groups(1).ColSpecs = specs;
FT.ColSpecGroups = groups;
rpt = Report('A');
Alex Alex
Alex Alex 2021년 8월 26일
Great, no need to suppress the warning then. Thanks again

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