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Partitioning a number into sum of positive real numbers

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
VIVEK CHAUDHARY 2021년 8월 20일
댓글: VIVEK CHAUDHARY 2021년 8월 23일
I have a vector V = 0:0.1:M. I have 'w', 'x', 'y', and 'z', where w,x,y,z belongs to V. I want all w,x,y,z such that w+x+y+z = M. Also, and . I know exhaustive search method but I am interested in more efficient methods for this computation.

채택된 답변

Wan Ji
Wan Ji 2021년 8월 20일
편집: Wan Ji 2021년 8월 22일
Hi, friend! I have thought of a search method that saves much time.
Firstly, the problem can be converted to V = 1:1:M, there exist 'w', 'x', 'y', and 'z', where w,x,y,z belongs to V. Calculate all w<x<y<z such that w+x+y+z = M. because you can just let M=10*M, and x,y,z,w are all positive integers, you need only use [x,y,z,w] = 0.1*[x,y,z,w], as also mentioned by @the cyclist. Here I provide integer solution. I believe you can understand me.
The code speaks! So look at following code I wrote for this problem.
The search function is
function Result = searchPartition(M)
alpha = 1; A = 4*alpha;
R = zeros(M^3,4); % IF you have enough memory, time is not a problem
count = 0;
while (M-A>=6)
beta = 1; B = 3*beta;
while (M-A-B>=3)
gamma = 1; C = 2*gamma;
while (M-A-B-C>=1)
delta = M-A-B-C;
count = count + 1;
R(count,:) = [alpha, beta, gamma, delta];
gamma = gamma + 1;
C = 2*gamma;
beta = beta + 1;
B = 3*beta;
alpha = alpha + 1;
A = 4*alpha;
R = R(1:count,:);
Result = cumsum(R,2);
To validate its correctness, here I perform a test
Result = searchPartition(20)
Then get the result as
Result =
1 2 3 14
1 2 4 13
1 2 5 12
1 2 6 11
1 2 7 10
1 2 8 9
1 3 4 12
1 3 5 11
1 3 6 10
1 3 7 9
1 4 5 10
1 4 6 9
1 4 7 8
1 5 6 8
2 3 4 11
2 3 5 10
2 3 6 9
2 3 7 8
2 4 5 9
2 4 6 8
2 5 6 7
3 4 5 8
3 4 6 7
23 results were obtained, the columns from left to right are w,x,y,z accordingly.
Also, to verify its efficiency, here we choose M ranged from 200 to 1000 with interval 200, and calculate the cost time!
function main
M_array = 200:200:1000; % You can change M_array as you need
Time_array = zeros(size(M_array));
ResultSize_array = zeros(size(M_array));
for i = 1:1:numel(M_array)
tic % count the time
M = M_array(i);
Result = searchPartition(M); % use my method
time = toc;
Time_array(i) = time;
ResultSize_array(i) = size(Result,1);
% plot figures
plot(M_array, Time_array,'r', 'linewidth',2)
xlabel('M value');
ylabel('Cost Time (s)');
title('Cost Time V.S. M')
plot(M_array, ResultSize_array,'b', 'linewidth',2)
xlabel('M value');
ylabel('Result Size');
title('Result size V.S. M')
loglog(ResultSize_array,Time_array, 'ro-', 'linewidth',2)
xlabel('Result Size');
ylabel('Time Cost');
title('Time cost V.S. Result size Loglog Plot')
It is found that when M = 1000, the time spent in my method is less than 2 seconds, while the result size reaches 7000,000, which is a quite large number! I hope you like it ovo
  댓글 수: 4
Wan Ji
Wan Ji 2021년 8월 23일
My idea conforms to this paper, Stirling numbers and integer partitions
You can read it and obtain the spirit to implement your thoughts.
VIVEK CHAUDHARY 2021년 8월 23일
Thanks a lot. Really appriciate the help.

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추가 답변 (1개)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2021년 8월 20일
This is equivalent to partitioning positive integers that sum to 10*M. Download @John D&#39;Errico's excellent partitioning code from the File Exchange. Then the following will do what you want.
% Desired sum
M = 20;
% Desired element count
N = 4;
% All partitions
p = partitions(M);
% Include only rows with no repeated values
p = p(all((p==1) | (p==0),2),:);
% Include only rows with the correct number of element
p = p(sum(p,2)==N,:);
% Show the results. Each row is a solution. In each row, there is a 1 in the
% nth column when n is a member of the set (w,x,y,z) that you want.
In this example, I am finding 4 integers that sum to 20. The solution in the first row of p is (3,4,6,7).
This is equivalent to (0.3,0.4,0.6,0.7) that sums to 2.
  댓글 수: 1
the cyclist
the cyclist 2021년 8월 20일
After looking at this a bit more, I realized that John's code has a more efficient calling syntax when you know how many elements you want:
% Desired sum
M = 20;
% Desired element count
N = 4;
% All partitions
p = partitions(M,[],[],N);
% Include only rows with no repeated values
p = p(all((p==1) | (p==0),2),:);
% Show the results. Each row is a solution. In each row, there is a 1 in the
% nth column when n is a member of the set (w,x,y,z) that you want.

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