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Intersection of circle chords

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Sean 2014년 7월 15일
답변: Geoff Hayes 2014년 7월 15일
The following code contains 3 circles, the lines from each pair of circle's intersections (with circcirc fxn), the slope/y-intercepts for each of the 3 lines, and the intersections themselves (with plotted lines to confirm visually). I cannot figure out why the bjk intercept is approximately .158305 off from what it is supposed to be, and that is what I require help with. What could be causing this?
clear all
% circle centers/radii
xCenterk = 5;
yCenterk = 2;
xCenteri = 5;
yCenteri = 5;
xCenterj = 3;
yCenterj = 3;
theta = 0 : 0.001 : 2*pi;
radiusk = 1.5;
radiusi = 2;
radiusj = 1.5;
%generate 3 circles with parameters above.
xk = radiusk * cos(theta) + xCenterk;
yk = radiusk * sin(theta) + yCenterk;
xi = radiusi * cos(theta) + xCenteri;
yi = radiusi * sin(theta) + yCenteri;
xj = radiusj * cos(theta) + xCenterj;
yj = radiusj * sin(theta) + yCenterj;
%%plotting each circle pair's intersections (or chord)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[xoutij,youtij] = circcirc(xCenteri,yCenteri,radiusi,xCenterj,yCenterj,radiusj);
plot(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]))
[xoutik,youtik] = circcirc(xCenteri,yCenteri,radiusi,xCenterk,yCenterk,radiusk);
plot(line([xoutik(1,1) xoutik(1,2)],[youtik(1,1) youtik(1,2)]))
[xoutjk,youtjk] = circcirc(xCenterj,yCenterj,radiusj,xCenterk,yCenterk,radiusk);
plot(line([xoutjk(1,1) xoutjk(1,2)],[youtjk(1,1) youtjk(1,2)]))
hold on;
% each lines slope
slopeij = @(line) (youtij(1,2) - youtij(1,1))/(xoutij(1,2) - xoutij(1,1));
mij = slopeij(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]));
slopeik = @(line) (youtik(1,2) - youtik(1,1))/(xoutik(1,2) - xoutik(1,1));
mik = slopeik(line([xoutik(1,1) xoutik(1,2)],[youtik(1,1) youtik(1,2)]));
slopejk = @(line) (youtjk(1,2) - youtjk(1,1))/(xoutjk(1,2) - xoutjk(1,1));
mjk = slopejk(line([xoutjk(1) xoutjk(2)],[youtjk(1) youtjk(2)]));
% each lines y-intercept (round is used as a makeshift catch for slope = 0)
if round(100*mij)==0;
bij = youtij(1,1);
interceptij = @(line,m) xoutij(1,2) - m*xoutij(1,1);
bij = interceptij(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]),mij);
if round(100*mik)==0;
bik = youtik(1,1);
interceptik = @(line,m) xoutik(1,2) - m*xoutik(1,1);
bik = interceptik(line([xoutik(1,1) xoutik(1,2)],[youtik(1,1) youtik(1,2)]),mik);
if round(100*mjk)==0;
bjk = youtjk(1,1);
interceptjk = @(line,m) xoutjk(1,2) - m*xoutjk(1,1);
bjk = interceptjk(line([xoutjk(1,1) xoutjk(1,2)],[youtjk(1,1) youtjk(1,2)]),mjk);
%%%Plotting intersection points %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
x1intersect = (bik-bij)/(mij-mik);
y1intersect = mij*x1intersect + bij;
x2intersect = (bjk-bij)/(mij-mjk);
y2intersect = mij*x2intersect+bij;
x3intersect = (bjk-bik)/(mik-mjk);
y3intersect = mjk*x3intersect+bjk;
axis equal
axis equal
axis equal
axis equal
plot(xk, yk,'b',xi,yi,'r',xj,yj,'c');
axis equal;
hold on;
  댓글 수: 2
Sean 2014년 7월 15일
I just checked on Wolfram Alpha, and the 3 lines intersect properly, but not on MatLab--so I must be saying something wrong?
Sean 2014년 7월 15일
Something like
where 1=i, 2=j, 3=k works instead of all of this code.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

채택된 답변

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2014년 7월 15일
Sean - rather than pasting 80+ lines of code in your question, it would be better to just attach it the m file to your question (use the paperclip button to do so).
A couple of comments on your code. Use of
plot(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]))
is incorrect as using the line command creates the line on the figure, and the plot(line(...)) plots the handle returned by line at (1,h) (where h is the handle). So you can remove the plot command and just use
line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]);
for all plotting of the chords.
It is unclear why an anonymous function is used to calculate the slope for each of these chords/lines
slopeij = @(line) (youtij(1,2) - youtij(1,1))/(xoutij(1,2) - xoutij(1,1));
mij = slopeij(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]));
Use of line as the input to the slopeij function should be avoided since line is a MATLAB built-in function (and the variable line is not used used at all!). For each of the slope calculations, you can just replace the above with
mij = (youtij(1,2) - youtij(1,1))/(xoutij(1,2) - xoutij(1,1);
As for calculating the y-intercept, you may also want to check for when the slope is infinite (as well as just zero) to handle those cases where the line of intersection (between two circles) is vertical. Use
to determine this.
Again, use of anonymous functions is not needed for the y-intercepts nor should you be using line as an input variable which is not even called. You can simply use the local variables that have been defined for the slope and the points on the line. So instead of
interceptij = @(line,m) xoutij(1,2) - m*xoutij(1,1);
bij = interceptij(line([xoutij(1,1) xoutij(1,2)],[youtij(1,1) youtij(1,2)]),mij);
bij = xoutij(1,2) - mij*xoutij(1,1);
But even this line of code seems to be incorrect. The equation of a line is y=mx*b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Solving for b leads to
b = y-m*x
which is different from the bij above which use x coordinates from two different points, rather than using the x and y coordinates from a single point. The above should then be replaced with
bij = youtij(1,1) - mij*xoutij(1,1);
This should occur for all three y-intercepts.
Try the above and see what happens!

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