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Butterworth filter and normalised frequency

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
jack 2014년 6월 9일
댓글: jack 2014년 6월 9일
Hi, I have a little problem with a B filter, I want to compare the frequency response of the analog and digital filter, so I tried with this
if true
>> Rp=1;
>> Rs=80;
>> nupass=20000;
>> Ts=1/44100;
>> nucontpass=1/pi/Ts*tan(pi*Ts*nupass);
>> nuconstop=1/pi/Ts*tan(pi*Ts*nustop);
>> nu=0:0.1:1/2/Ts;
>> nucont=0:0.1:1000;
[n,wn]=buttord(2*pi*nucontpass,2*pi*nuconstop, Rp, Rs,'s');
>> Hc=freqs(b,a,2*pi*nucont);
>> Hb=freqz(B,A,nu,1/Ts);
>> figure, plot(nu,abs(Hb)),hold on,plot(nucont,abs(Hc),'g--');
But the problem come of wn which is not normalised so tried to do Wn=2wn/Ts but i have but the result is always superior at 1. Have you got any solution to fix this problem? Thanks

답변 (1개)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson 2014년 6월 9일
  댓글 수: 1
jack 2014년 6월 9일
Thankls but it's an error in my previous post but i have tried Wn = 2*wn*Ts; so it's not the problem

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