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FFT to represent Aliasing Problem

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
nazneen 2014년 5월 30일
편집: Rick Rosson 2014년 6월 2일
I have an sinusoidal signals ranging from 1 to 5 KHz and they are being sampled at 1500 Hz . I need to show the aliased spikes that fall in a LP filter of 1 kHz. Can fft be used ? I am trying a simple fft problem first but i cannot get the xasis correct. My code is :
f = input ('Enter the analog frequencies: ');
fs = input ('Enter the Sampling frequency: ');
Ts = 1/fs;
Ns = 512
t = [0:Ts:Ts*(Ns-1)];
x = sin(2*pi*f*t);
X = fft(x,Ns)/Ns;
xdft = fftshift(X);

채택된 답변

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson 2014년 6월 2일
편집: Rick Rosson 2014년 6월 2일
fc = f;
df = fs/Ns;
f = -fs/2:df:fs/2-df;

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