Integration of a curve

조회 수: 172 (최근 30일)
jchris14 2014년 5월 23일
댓글: Tayyaba Bano 2022년 3월 28일
hello, I have a X and y data points. ex: x=[2 3 5]; y=[3 6 3];
after plotting this simple curve, how do I integrate this curve? All the syntax i find on matlab integrates symbolically.
thanks in advance

채택된 답변

Mahdi 2014년 5월 23일
You can use the trapz function to give you the area under the curve. In this case,
  댓글 수: 4
jchris14 2014년 5월 23일
I tried verifying it. I plotted a simple function, y=x^2. I used int(y,1,2) and found the area under the curve to be 2.33. now when I took certain points from the same curve. in this case x=[-3 -2 0 2 3],y=[10 4 0 4 10] and used trapz(x,y), I got the value 22. Is there a way around this issue?
Mahdi 2014년 5월 23일
You integration limits aren't the same so the results are different; as expected. In the first case, you're using int(y,1,2) to integrate from the domain of x=1 to x=2. In the second case, you're integrating from x=-3 to x=4.
To get the same values, look at this example:
syms x1
int(y,1,2) % This gives an answer of 2.33 as you said.
% For the second case using trapz
x=1:0.01:2 %Goes from 1 to 2 by a step size of 0.01
y=x.^2; % Generates the y-data
trapz(x,y) %Gives a result of 2.33 as required
Please note that there are round-off and numerical errors that you should be aware of.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Sara 2014년 5월 23일
You can use
  댓글 수: 1
Tayyaba Bano
Tayyaba Bano 2022년 3월 28일
Hi, I need to find the intergal of a curve.
my code involves FOR loop, should I use the trapz command inside the loop or outside the loop to calculate the integral? I tried both but none of them is working.
Moreover, my curve also showing the negative values for the same positive values, how can I avoid these?
I am attaching my curve and the code.
clear all;
close all;
%save 20m3_hr_centre u_original;
%save pos y;
%%load Variables
LS_pos = 'center';
Q = 10;
x_pos = 35; %position of vertical line velocity
%% plot velocity profiles at x_pos
for jj=1:1:10
Q = 10;
PIV(jj)=load(['250mm_',num2str(Q),'m3h_',LS_pos]); %load images
avg(jj) = length(PIV(jj).x); %get data length
%% extract average values
u_avg(:,:,jj) = PIV(jj).u_component{avg(jj),1}(:,:);
v_avg(:,:,jj) = PIV(jj).v_component{avg(jj),1}(:,:);
u_avg_x_pos(:,jj) = PIV(jj).u_component{avg(jj),1}(:,x_pos); % extract u-component at x_pos
x_coord = max(PIV(jj).y{avg(jj),1}(:,x_pos))-PIV(jj).y{avg(jj),1}(:,x_pos); %get and invert vertical coordinate
if jj>6
hold on;
xlabel('x [m]');
ylabel(' u ');
%axis([0 0.12 0 1.2])
hold off;

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