Convert discontinuos angles to continuous angle

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Paulo Oliveira
Paulo Oliveira 2014년 5월 23일
댓글: Paulo Oliveira 2014년 5월 24일
Hi, I need help to convert discontinuous angles to continuous angle in my plots, anyone to help me? I saw something to matlab simulink, but I would want to change in code. Thank you for your help.
For other words, I have this plot,
and I want to convert for this plot,
Best wishes, Paulo Oliveira

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Matt J
Matt J 2014년 5월 23일
  댓글 수: 8
Matt J
Matt J 2014년 5월 23일
but this function is just used in rad
Working in degrees would be just a simple modification
Paulo Oliveira
Paulo Oliveira 2014년 5월 24일
Yap, it works perfectly. Thank you very mush. ;)
Best wishes PO

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