how to convert a project video mosaicking to project mosaic of two images

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
remos remos
remos remos 2014년 5월 21일
댓글: Image Analyst 2014년 8월 12일
hi, I am newbie in matlab and image processing This tutorial shows how to create a panorama from a video I want create a panorama for only two images using this code thank you in advance
  댓글 수: 2
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor 2014년 5월 21일
I would love to try to help you, but as I've asked repeatedly in your last posts, I need two separate image files. The images you are actually trying to form a mosaic from. I need this data to tune the registration algorithm I will use, and to try to decide which algorithm to use.
Without these images, I could at best provide you code that succeeds at registering the two images I would choose, but might not work very well with your data.
I'm really trying to be helpful here...
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 12일
Alex, I still think it could be instructive for others if you could take two demo images , with some overlap, translation, rotation, and possibly magnification differences and seamlessly stitch them together into a panorama. As a rule of thumb, about what percentage of overlap is needed for a good alignment?

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답변 (1개)

remos remos
remos remos 2014년 5월 21일
편집: remos remos 2014년 5월 21일
if true
[w, h] = deal(680, 400); % Size of the mosaic
[x0, y0] = deal(-5, -60); % Upper-left corner of the mosaic
xLim = [0.5, w+0.5] + x0;
yLim = [0.5, h+0.5] + y0;
outputView = imref2d([h,w], xLim, yLim);
hsrc = vision.VideoFileReader('vipmosaicking.avi', 'ImageColorSpace','RGB', 'PlayCount', 1);
halphablender = vision.AlphaBlender('Operation', 'Binary mask', 'MaskSource', 'Input port');
hVideo1 = vision.VideoPlayer('Name', 'Corners');
hVideo1.Position(1) = hVideo1.Position(1) - 350;
hVideo2 = vision.VideoPlayer('Name', 'Mosaic');
hVideo2.Position(1) = hVideo1.Position(1) + 400;
hVideo2.Position([3 4]) = [750 500];
points = cornerPoints(zeros(0, 2));
features = binaryFeatures(zeros([0 64], 'uint8'));
failedToMatchPoints = true; % A new mosaic will be created if
% failedToMatchPoints is true
while ~isDone(hsrc)
% Save the points and features computed from the previous image
pointsPrev = points;
featuresPrev = features;
% To speed up mosaicking, select and process every 5th image
for i = 1:5
rgb = step(hsrc);
if isDone(hsrc)
% Convert the image from RGB to intensity.
I = rgb2gray(rgb);
% Detect corners in the image
corners = detectFASTFeatures(I);
% Extract FREAK feature vectors for the corners
[features, points] = extractFeatures(I, corners);
% Match features computed from the current and the previous images
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features, featuresPrev);
% Check if there are enough corresponding points in the current and the
% previous images
if size(indexPairs, 1) > 2
matchedPoints = points(indexPairs(:, 1), :);
matchedPointsPrev = pointsPrev(indexPairs(:, 2), :);
% Find corresponding locations in the current and the previous
% images, and compute a geometric transformation from the
% corresponding locations
[tform, ~, ~, failedToMatchPoints] = estimateGeometricTransform(...
matchedPoints, matchedPointsPrev, 'affine');
if failedToMatchPoints
% If the current image does not match the previous one, reset the
% transformation and the mosaic image
xtform = eye(3);
mosaic = zeros(h, w, 3, 'single');
% If the current image matches with the previous one, compute the
% transformation for mapping the current image onto the mosaic
% image
xtform = xtform * tform.T;
% Display the current image and the corner points
cornerImage = insertMarker(rgb, corners.Location, 'Color', 'red');
step(hVideo1, cornerImage);
% Creat a mask which specifies the region of the transformed image.
mask = imwarp(ones(size(I)), affine2d(xtform), 'OutputView', outputView) >= 1;
% Warp the current image onto the mosaic image
transformedImage = imwarp(rgb, affine2d(xtform), 'OutputView', outputView);
mosaic = step(halphablender, mosaic, transformedImage, mask);
step(hVideo2, mosaic);
  댓글 수: 1
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 12일
Did you see Alex's post? He asked you for the two images so he could try something, but you did not attach them.

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