how to say a number in the title

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Sameer 2014년 5월 13일
답변: nl2605 2014년 5월 13일
'Probability greater than swtNPVProb(i,1)'
i is the loop variable. how do i get it to say the number associated with the variable in each loop, and report that number to the screen?

답변 (3개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014년 5월 13일
title(sprintf('Probability greater than swtNPVProb(%d,1)', i))
  댓글 수: 1
Sameer 2014년 5월 13일
that did not work. I am trying to create a loop with this vector:
swtCI = [.99 .95 .50 ]';
and i want the title to output to the screen these numbers, instead of swtCI(i,1).
i used disp('Upper Bound for swtCI(i,1)'); but that just gives me swtCI(i,1)

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Sagar Damle
Sagar Damle 2014년 5월 13일
Try this -
swtCI = [.99 .95 .50 ]';
for i = 1:length(swtCI)
disp(['Upper Bound for ',num2str(swtCI(i,1))]);
This is because,disp() requires its all arguments of same datatype.

nl2605 2014년 5월 13일
title(['Probability greater than swtNPVProb(',num2str(i),',1)']); However, in the same plot the last value would appear.

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