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how to run mfile from GUI

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Lukas 2014년 5월 6일
댓글: nl2605 2014년 5월 6일
hello i want to make GUI with 2 buttons. 1. button is for browse video file (it also connect path and file name into variable). this is my code in first button...
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[videoName,videoPathName]=uigetfile({'*.mp4';'*.*'},'File Selector')
assignin ('base','file',videoName);
assignin ('base','path',videoPathName);
fname = strcat(videoPathName,videoName);
assignin ('base','fname',fname);
so path and file name are in workspace in variable 'fname'
by second button a i want to run mfile 'run' that need path and file name from 1. button. so i wroute there only:
function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
in mfile run is code:
workingDir = 'C:\Users\lukino\Documents\MATLAB\temp';
disp('urobil temp dir')
shuttleVideo = VideoReader(fname);
disp('nacital mp4')...
dirrectories are made but video can not open... it wrote error:
Undefined function or variable 'fname'
but if i want to run it from mfile idetor it works... what is wrong?

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nl2605 2014년 5월 6일
I think the problem is that 'fname' is not getting transferred from one callback function to another. The solution is using setappdata and getappdata. I hope I am getting your problem right.
  댓글 수: 4
Lukas 2014년 5월 6일
thank you it works good. but now i do not see other variables that are used in other functions (for example in function run)...so i can not access to him. how can i change it?
nl2605 2014년 5월 6일
Variables used in a function are localized, I mean to say different functions don't share a common workspace. The variables will be deleted as soon as the function ends. If you want to use variables from one function to another again setappdata and getappdata will work.

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