Connect Matlab to Sql server

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
fatma ghozzi
fatma ghozzi 2014년 5월 5일
댓글: Friedrich 2014년 5월 6일
I try to connect to Sql server via a jdbc driver : sqljjdbc4 is already insatalled and this is my code :
db = database('ChifcoProd-2013-12-12-11-37', 'dg', 'pass', '',...
db =
Instance: 'ChifcoProd-2013-12-12-11-37'
UserName: 'dg'
Driver: []
URL: []
Constructor: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.databaseConnect]
Message: 'JDBC Driver Error: Driver Not Found/Loaded.'
Handle: 0
TimeOut: []
AutoCommit: 'off'
Type: 'Database Object'

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Friedrich 2014년 5월 5일
have you followed the instructions here. Basically you need to add the driver jar to MATLAB JAVA Classpath. How this is done is explained in the link I posted.
  댓글 수: 3
fatma ghozzi
fatma ghozzi 2014년 5월 5일
편집: fatma ghozzi 2014년 5월 5일
the problem that I don't know what means exactly '' and what should I write in stade
Friedrich 2014년 5월 6일
According to the doc (see the bottom of database function page) the pair is of the format:
JDBC driver:
Database URL: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:port;database=databasename
Try adjusting your call to match that format and try again.

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