Delaying input of block

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Narsimha 2014년 4월 15일
답변: Niklas Nylén 2014년 4월 15일
Hi, My system is continuous one. Configuration parameters are variable step with ode45 solver. Max step size is 1/60 and min step size is auto.
I want to delay a certain input by o.2s. What should I do? Which block am I supposed to use and how to check whether its working or not?

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Niklas Nylén
Niklas Nylén 2014년 4월 15일
Use the block Transport Delay in the category Continuous. Check by connecting input and the output of the block to a scope and check that the time offset is 0.2 s.

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