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2D Plotting With Non Numeric X Axis

조회 수: 27 (최근 30일)
Dan 2014년 4월 13일
답변: Sven 2014년 4월 13일
I want to plot 2 dimensional data lets say monthly income. My problem is the values of the x axis which are non numeric. On the y axis I want income and along the x axis months expressed as Jan, Feb, .... Lets assume I read the data from an ordinary textfile where each row contains month and income. How do I get the plot that I want?

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 4월 13일
Plot y as usual with a bar() or plot() function call, then change the numerical labels from 1 - 12 to months:

추가 답변 (1개)

Sven 2014년 4월 13일
Hi Dan,
Try this code, there's a dateaxis command perfect for what you want:
xVals = datenum(0,1:12,1); % The first day of jan,feb,etc.
yVals = 2.^(1:12); % Exponentially growing income!
figure, plot(xVals,yVals)
dateaxis('x',3) % See "doc dateaxis" for more options


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