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In the below code what is meant by grouptrain or what does it include? Also what is the difference between trainingset and grouptrain here?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
function [result] = multisvm(TrainingSet,GroupTrain,TestSet) %Models a given training set with a corresponding group vector and %classifies a given test set using an SVM classifier according to a %one vs. all relation. % %This code was written by Cody Neuburger cneuburg@fau.edu %Florida Atlantic University, Florida USA %This code was adapted and cleaned from Anand Mishra's multisvm function %found at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/33170-multi-class-support-vector-machine/
u=unique(GroupTrain); numClasses=length(u); result = zeros(length(TestSet(:,1)),1);
%build models for k=1:numClasses %Vectorized statement that binarizes Group %where 1 is the current class and 0 is all other classes G1vAll=(GroupTrain==u(k)); models(k) = svmtrain(TrainingSet,G1vAll); end
%classify test cases for j=1:size(TestSet,1) for k=1:numClasses if(svmclassify(models(k),TestSet(j,:))) break; end end result(j) = k; end

답변 (1개)

Pranay Patel
Pranay Patel 2016년 6월 29일
As SVM is supervised learning model, GroupTrain includes labels of TrainingSet images while TrainingSet includes features extracted from those images in order. For example 8 images from img1 to img8: TrainingSet=[ 1 10;2 20;3 30;4 40;5 50;6 66;3 30;4.1 42]; GroupTrain=[1;1;2;2;3;3;2;2];
Here, feature extracted from img1 are 1 10 and its class label is 1, same for rest images.


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