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repeat the same function on multiple variables/handles

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Victor 2014년 3월 12일
댓글: dpb 2014년 3월 13일
i have 20 handles that I set to enable on, i.e. set(handle,'enable','on') and the same thing with off.
Is there a more efficient way to do this than using the set function 20 times? For example, is there a way to pass a list of the handles to a function that will repeat a function over the entire list?

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dpb 2014년 3월 13일
set accepts a handle vector and operates on each. Just use the array form. Note the property name and value can be cell arrays as well. See
doc set % for details
  댓글 수: 2
Victor 2014년 3월 13일
Thanks. Is there a way to do something similar with a more generic function than set? for example if I have 20 string variables and I want to add an 's' to the end of every string.
dpb 2014년 3월 13일
Sure...almost every Matlab builtin is vectorized. And, you can write your own functions in almost every case to also use vectors/arrays as inputs and generate same.
Looks like you need to go to the documentation and start at the "Getting Started" section and work through the examples of how Matlab works to get a feel for using it.

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