Continuous outputs on Neural Networks

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Andre 2014년 3월 6일
답변: Greg Heath 2014년 3월 8일
can I have the nn toolbox working to output a continuous value ?
Instead of training it like: inputs: [10 15 34 41 3] output: [0 0 1]
Anyway to train like this: inputs: [10 15 34 41 3] output: 0.5
Thanks, André

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Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2014년 3월 8일
You have to have the same number of I dimensional "i"nput vectors and O dimensional "o"utput target vectors
{ I N ] = size(x)
[ O N ] = size(t)
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

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