Fourier Transform of 2d

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Melissa 2011년 7월 13일
Good Morning All,
I am trying to find the coefficients of the fourier transform of a closed 2d shape (namely a small distorted circle). I have been given the coordinates of the shape so in essence the boundary and want to apply the centroid distance shape descriptor. Namely that
and the coefficients for the transform is: c(u)=1/N sum(s(k)exp(-2uk*pi/N)) for discrete
Now in order to get x(t) and y(t) I would plot the points and then use interpft. How would I apply this in the matlab FFT2 function? Also if I made any mistakes in my thought process please advise me.
One more thing: should I convert the cartesian points to polar coordinates before applying any of this or leave them.
here is sample data of what I am trying to do but I am receiving error and want to use x(t) not just xt.
X=[100.0000 167.3203 359.0253 410.6382 585.7535 716.6290 712.9424 476.9977 364.5553 185.7535 100.9608 86.2143];
Y=[150.0000 59.9470 107.8733 242.4355 100.5000 235.0622 441.5138 423.0806 529.9931 533.6797 364.0945 170.5461];
t = 10;
Xt = interpft(X,numel(X)*t); %I think this uses fourier basis Yt = interpft(Y,numel(Y)*t);
xc=(1/12)*sum(Xt); yc=(1/12)*sum(Yt);%centroid center but I want X(t)
st=[(Xt-xc)^2+(Yt-yc)^2]^1/2 %centroid distance formula but again I need X(t)
ft=fft2(st) %should give the coefficients?
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Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2011년 7월 17일
Please see for how to format your question.

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Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2011년 7월 17일
Unless there is an essential property of the centroid distance shape descriptor that you haven't mentioned, you could approach this in a much simpler way. First, center this shape about the centroid:
xc = sum(X)/numel(X);
yc = sum(Y)/numel(Y);
X = X-xc; Y = Y-yc;
Now, if you convert to polar coordinates, your t can be identified with the polar angle and your s with the radius ...
t = atan2(Y,X);
s = X.^2 + Y.^2;
To apply interpft to this, you'd need to first use interp1 to resample s at regularly spaced phi.
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Melissa 2011년 7월 17일
oh my wow thank you very much!!

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