Insert interval labels on plot

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Bruno 2014년 1월 29일
댓글: Amit 2014년 1월 29일
I have a plot with 7 intervals:
t = 0:0.001:10; x = 0.2*cos(t) + cos(1.4*t) + 0.8*cos(5.2*t) + 0.02*randn(1, 10001); N = 7; I = 1:ceil(numel(t)/N):numel(t); if (I(end) ~= numel(t)) I = [I numel(t)]; end for j = 1:N X{j,1} =[t(I(j):I(j+1))' x(I(j):I(j+1))']; end for x_fcn = @(t) 0.2*cos(t) + cos(1.4*t) + 0.8*cos(5.2*t) + 0.02*randn(1, length(t)); plot(t, x_fcn(t), '-b'); hold on plot(t(I), x_fcn(t(I)), '*r') end
How I can insert 7 labels on plot that indicates the intervals as (w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7). Thanks

답변 (1개)

Amit 2014년 1월 29일
If you mean indicate intervals as legend then add this after the loop
  댓글 수: 2
Bruno 2014년 1월 29일
I want the labels close to the intervals on the plot and I tried (text): text('w1','w2','w3','w4','w5','w6','w7'); Is not working.
Amit 2014년 1월 29일
On of the easiest way is using textbox on figure menu in 'Insert'.
However, if you want to do this via script, try this:

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