How to show Simulink animation

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Robert 2014년 1월 26일
답변: Robert 2014년 1월 26일
Hi guys,
Using Simulink 2013a, how do you show the animations. In the 2011 version there was a "Show animation" check box, but I can't find it. how do you do this,
kind regards

답변 (2개)

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2014년 1월 26일
Hello Robert, are you talking about SimMechanics? The box is still in Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters in the SimMechanics tabs.
In Simulink you simply connect the VR to your model and run it. No need for checking boxes.

Robert 2014년 1월 26일
I found the check box, and that worked thank you, two more things though, firstly where is the VR you talk about.
And secondly, I have the simulation working, except I just have two coordinates moving, how do i get the line that connects them to show up?
Kind regards


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