how to read my variables ?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
isabong 2011년 7월 8일
I am using uiimport to load all inside of my file ascii. My file has 2 types of information separatelly, one textdata and the another numeric data. It is loaded in my workspace.Now how could i to work from .m once time loaded in my workspace? How my .m can recognize the variables in my workspace? How can i call these variables in my .m? Perhaps the answer is easy but i am beginner, really sorry in advance. I hope you can help me. thanks
  댓글 수: 1
isabong 2011년 7월 8일
.m .............................workspace window
_________________________ .......____________________
uiimport ('filename.dxf') .......DATA 384X512
I=DATA ..........................textDATA 47x1 cell
% if i call DATA here
then -> Undefined function or variable I=DATA
Of course because the .m execute and it is not found anything because need first finish the process import wizard.
Perhaps here, i am more clear. :)

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채택된 답변

isabong 2011년 7월 20일
The anwers is really easy:
rename uimport ......> importvalues=uiimport('filename.dxf');
then depending what do you need you stablish your variables, like that,
if you file is called data, then you write,:) and you will get only your file data
if you need more information (data from your ascii file, you can repeat the process.

추가 답변 (1개)

Laura Proctor
Laura Proctor 2011년 7월 8일
Start with this Getting Started with MATLAB video.
Your variable names will be listed in the Workspace window, and you will use those names to get the data.
Hope this helps!
  댓글 수: 1
isabong 2011년 7월 8일
thakns Laura but first is neccesary that import wizard finishes the process, load and then I can call my variables. And i dont know how to stablish that :S the other way my .m will not recognize my variables.-

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