How to access video from a remote camera?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Radha 2011년 7월 6일
댓글: sky nku 2014년 4월 28일
Hello, I was hoping somebody could throw some light on how to access video from a remote camera (it is stationed outside our campus). I can access the video via IP address but how can I process the video using Matlab functions? Thank You Radha

답변 (2개)

Harsha Vardhan Rao  Avunoori
Harsha Vardhan Rao Avunoori 2011년 7월 6일
Quick question though it might sound a little bit silly.Are you authorized to access that camera ???
  댓글 수: 4
Radha 2011년 7월 26일
hello Harsha,
My application requires me to process the video in real time. I tried Image Acquisition Tool Box but Matlab does not recognize any device other than the webcam.
I am currently trying the TCP/IP function under Instruments and control Tool Box in Matlab.
sky nku
sky nku 2014년 4월 28일
Do you know how to connect to a network camera using Instrument Control Toolbox? Thanks!!

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Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta 2011년 7월 26일
  댓글 수: 5
James Turnage
James Turnage 2012년 2월 3일
Thanks for the response. We have the frame-grabber device and the intermediate process to decode the streaming format in the works. What we are still missing somewhere is exactly how we could get the Frames from the frame grabber through the use of MATLAB. We have access to the Image Acquisition Toolbox and i'm sure the solution is in there somewhere, but we seem to be missing it. Would you happen to know how this is done?
sky nku
sky nku 2014년 4월 28일
Do you know how to connect to a network camera using Instrument Control Toolbox? Thanks!! For example, the ip addresss of my camera is,and my PC connects to the camera with a simple net cable( UTP=UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR )

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