How do I format and write a numeric array to a file as text?

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
Brian 2011년 7월 5일
What's the easies way to write an array to a formatted file. If I have 16 columns, it seems cumbersome that I have to specify the individual format for each column and then print it in a for loop. Isn't there something like this?

답변 (3개)

Jan 2011년 7월 5일
DLMWRITE can create such files. But FPRINTF is vectorized also, so you do not need a loop:
x = rand(100, 16);
fmt = [repmat('%10.5f ', 1, 15), '%10.5f\n'];
fid = fopen(FileName, 'w');
fprintf(fid, fmt, x'); % transposed!

Brian 2011년 7월 6일
I don't see where DLMWRITE can determine that I have 16 columns and automatically insert a '\n' but I'll keep looking into it. In the meantime, your approach works great and I'll simply do that. Perhaps using the "size" command along with "repmat" I can come up with something. thanks very much!

Brian 2011년 7월 6일
I found that DLMWRITE works exactly like I want it to.
dlmwrite(FileName,output,'precision',5,'delimiter',' ')
thanks again for the information. I was unaware of that command.


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