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Does my 3D surface plot look ok?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Philip 2013년 12월 4일
댓글: Philip 2013년 12월 4일
I have a feeling that my graph doesnt look right (not clear and concise enough), but it might well be, just need to settle my mind about it.
I am plotting Wind Chill against Temperature (Celsius) and Windspeed (m/s).
This is my code I have used
%My Matrixes, z2 is the windspeed, z3 is the temperature%
z2 = [0,1.50000000000000,3,4.50000000000000,6,7.50000000000000,9;10.5000000000000,12,13.5000000000000,15,16.5000000000000,18,19.5000000000000;21,22.5000000000000,24,25.5000000000000,27,28.5000000000000,30];
z3 = [-50,-45,-40,-35,-30,-25,-20;-15,-10,-5,0,5,10,15;20,25,30,35,40,45,50];
%my Meshgrid%
[X, Y] = meshgrid (z3, z2);
&Calculations to convert C to F and m/s to mph to fit into my formula%
TEST1TEMP = X * 9/5 + 32;
TEST2SPEED = Y * 2.23693629;
&Wind Chill Formula%
Z = 0.0817.*((3.71.*sqrt(TEST2SPEED))-0.25.*TEST2SPEED+5.81).*(TEST1TEMP-91.4)+91.4;
&My surf code%
surf (X, Y, Z) xlabel ('Temperature (C)') ylabel ('Wind Speed (m/s)') zlabel ('Wind Chill')
This is how my figure looks
I worry it looks a little all over the place, would appreciate guidance on if it looks ok, or if not how to sort it. Thankyou very much Phil

채택된 답변

sixwwwwww 2013년 12월 4일
may be you can make it look better like this:
[X, Y] = meshgrid (-50:0.5:50, 0:0.5:30);
TEST1TEMP = X * 9/5 + 32;
TEST2SPEED = Y * 2.23693629;
Z = 0.0817.*((3.71.*sqrt(TEST2SPEED))-0.25.*TEST2SPEED+5.81).*(TEST1TEMP-91.4)+91.4;
surf (X, Y, Z), xlabel ('Temperature (C)'), ylabel ('Wind Speed (m/s)'), zlabel ('Wind Chill'), view([-120 45]), colorbar
  댓글 수: 3
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013년 12월 4일
You could turn off the 'EdgeColor' (black lines) of the surf by setting it to 'none' or use a mesh() instead of a surface (I typically recommend this for dense data.
Philip 2013년 12월 4일
Thanks Sean, will try that out when i get a moment

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