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How to create a discrete signal shifted in time?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
pizarro 2013년 11월 25일
댓글: pizarro 2013년 12월 3일
Hi experts, I need to created a discrete signal (train of eight pulses) shifted in time.Also this signal is multiplied by a random signal(ak) .I create the train of 8 pulse and the random signal.Please check the screenshoot attached to see the signal that I need to generate.
ak=4*round(rand(1,10))-2; T=1*10^(-3); L=8; Tm=T/L; t=0:Tm:T-Tm; s=ones(1,L); ....................................
  댓글 수: 2
Wayne King
Wayne King 2013년 11월 28일
You don't tell us what Tb is and what s is and why 8 when you have ten coefficients
pizarro 2013년 12월 3일
Hi Wayne,Tb=T=1*10^(-3) seconds. L is 8 because I need a rectangular pulse represented by 8 sample.This rectangular pulse must be multiplied to Ak coeficient and shifted in time 10 times.

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답변 (1개)

pizarro 2013년 11월 28일
Please can anything help me?


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