How do I plot points over a topographic map?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Rachel 2013년 11월 4일
댓글: Amy Haskins 2013년 11월 5일
I have plotted a secton of the globe using ETOPO data. I want to plot points onto this surface, but the following "geoshow" command does not work. Does anyone know how to plot like this?
ax = worldmap([20 50],[-130 -65]);
mstruct = gcm;
latlim = [20 50];
lonlim = [-130 -65];
[Z, refvec] = etopo('etopo1_ice_c.flt', 1, latlim, lonlim);
load coast
geoshow(Z, refvec, 'DisplayType', 'surface');
hold on;
%Plot Stations
A = load('Stations.txt');
for ii=1:length(A)
hold on;

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Amy Haskins
Amy Haskins 2013년 11월 5일
The issue is that when you use display type 'surface' you get a 3D surface. The markers are plotted with Z=0, so they end up hidden. The simplest solution is to use display type 'texturemap'.
geoshow(Z, refvec, 'DisplayType', 'texturemap');
Alternatively, you can give the markers a Z value large enough for them to appear above the surface.
geoshow(40:45, -80:-75, 'DisplayType', 'point', 'Marker', '^', ...
'MarkerEdgeColor','k','Markersize',4, 'Zdata', 10000*ones(6,1))
  댓글 수: 3
Rachel 2013년 11월 5일
Do you also know how to overlay text?
Thank you!
Amy Haskins
Amy Haskins 2013년 11월 5일
Try textm or gtextm. With textm, you can specify the location in lat and lon. With gtextm, you click where you want the text to appear.
textm(42, -75, 'Hello World')

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