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Dear all, I've got an image stack with the size of 1024 pixels *1024 pixels *1600 frames. I call it M(x,y,z). I'd like to do some computations like smooth and FFT for all the pixels simultaneously. I...



syms alpha s H t system = 1/(s + 1/alpha); y = ilaplace(1/s * (1-exp(-s*H)) * system) Define specific values for alpha and H % values alpha = 15; H = 32; Substitute those values into y foo = subs(y)...



I need matlab code to make a graph that displays my raw data points not just the averages. There are four groups ( A, B C and D) and each group has three treatments (high, middle, and low). I need...




Pre-trained BiSeNet v2 semantic segmentation model for inference and transfer learning.


Customize scenes in Unreal® Editor for co-simulation with Simulink®.


Numerical solution of 1D heat conduction through a Slab of thickness L subjected to a Dirichlet boundary condition


I'm working on a classification problem using eeg signals, each record is 62 channel * number of timesteps. I want to reuce the number of chaneels before training the deep network, is it the right...



Hi, I have a symbolic function f, which is a function of a 2x1 symbolic vector. I've taken the gradient and Hessian of it without issue. However, I want to convert both of them to anonymous...




An (transparent or animated) image moves along a trajectory in front of a background image. Output is an animated GIF, PNG or MP4 file.


Inspired by Mathologer, every n-sided polygon can be represented by a linear combination of basis n-sided polygons.


Imagine you are developing a new toolbox for MATLAB. You have a folder full of a few .m files defining a bunch of functions and you are thinking 'This would be useful for others, I'm going to make it...



Add 2 to any number. %%x = 1;y_correct = 3;assert(isequal(add2(x),y_correct)) function y = add2(x) y = 2 + x;end easy


Guest Writer: Eric Ludlam Joining us again is Eric Ludlam, development manager of the MATLAB charting team. Discover more about Eric on our contributors page. In the previous blog article, we...


I am glad to inform and share with you all my new text book titled "Inverters and AC Drives Control, Modeling, and Simulation Using Simulink", Springer, 2024. This text book has nine chapters and three appendices. A separate "Instructor Manual" is rpovided with solutions to se...



Over the last 5 years or so, the highest-traffic post on my MATLAB Central image processing blog was not actually about image processing; it was about changing the default line thickness in plots....



This week's post is a suggestion from Raymond Estrada from MATLAB and Simulink Consulting Services. Raymond reached out recently to share a tip for verifying and validating logged signals in the code generated from Simulink.The ProblemIt's a common practice in the verification and validation...


Is pure electric or hybrid the future? This has been a topic of debate in the industry. Today, we invite Hao Zheng, a technical officer from the China Society of Automotive Engineers and the Formula...


To develop uifigure-based app, I wish MATLAB can provide something like uiquestdlg to replace questdlg without changing too much of the original code developed for figure-based app. Also, uiinputdlg - inputdlg and so on. Need to have easy uifigure replacement for inputdlg, export2wsdlg et...



A look at the structure, and the eigenvalues and singular values of interesting test matrices.


So, I think I have finished the work to add a settings feature to my app. Now I want to write some more interactive tests to make sure it's working correctly. Features covered in this code-along...


It is time to support the cameraIntrinsics function to accept a 3-by-3 intrinsic matrix K as an input parameter for constructing the object. Currently, the built-in cameraIntrinsics function can only be constructed by explicitly specifying focalLength, principalPoint, and imageSize. This approach...



In this problem, you are tasked with rotating a given matrix by 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. The input will be a square matrix (i.e., the number of rows is equal to the number of...

You recently bought an electric kettle for your kitchen, and you want to estimate how much it costs to run every month. The kettle operates at 230V and consumes 2000W (or 2kW) when in use. You...


A voltage divider is a simple circuit used to obtain a reduced voltage from a higher voltage source using two resistors in series. The output voltage (Vout​) is given by the formula:​​Where:Vout​ is...


In an electrical circuit, the current (III) flowing through an LED is determined using Ohm’s Law:​​Where:I is the current in amperes (A)V is the supply voltage in volts (V)Vf​ is the forward voltage...


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