Address Missing Coverage
Filter coverage results and address gaps
To focus your coverage results on the aspects of your design that you want to test, you use filters to exclude elements or justify unsatisfied outcomes that you do not intend to exercise. The remaining coverage gaps might indicate insufficient testing, missing requirements, or incorrect implementation. To address these coverage gaps, you can then create additional tests, extend existing tests, refine requirements, or edit your model.
slcoverage.BlockSelector | Select blocks for coverage filter |
slcoverage.CodeSelector | Select custom C or C++ code for coverage filter |
slcoverage.Filter | Coverage filter set |
slcoverage.FilterRule | Create coverage filter rule |
slcoverage.MetricSelector | Select metric criterion for coverage filter |
slcoverage.Selector | Get selectors of all types |
slcoverage.SFcnSelector | Select S-function criterion for filtering rule |
Model Settings
Exclude or Justify Coverage Results
- Coverage Filtering
Use coverage filtering to narrow the scope of your model coverage. - Coverage Filter Rules and Files
Manage coverage filter rules attached to your model. - Create, Edit, and View Coverage Filter Rules
Workflow to filter model objects from the coverage recording. - View Applied Filters in the Coverage Results Explorer
Use the Applied filters section of the coverage Results Explorer to manage filter rules for your Simulink® model. - Model Objects to Filter from Coverage
Types of model objects you can filter from coverage recording. - Filter Code Coverage Outcomes
Types of code coverage outcomes you can filter from coverage recording.
Address Testing and Requirements Gaps
- How to Address Coverage Testing Gaps
Determine which actions to take to address coverage testing gaps. - Perform Functional Testing and Analyze Test Coverage
Analyze functional dependencies, test model components in isolation, create suites of test cases, test models, and code to achieve coverage. - Assess Coverage Results from Requirements-Based Tests
Assess extent to which requirements-based tests exercise the corresponding design.