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Debug C MEX S-Functions

About Debugging C MEX S-Functions

This section provides high-level tips on how to debug C MEX S-functions within the Simulink® environment and using third-party software. The following lists highlight some of the more common errors made when writing an S-function. For a more detailed analysis, use the debugger provided with your C compiler.

The examples at the end of this section show how to debug a C MEX S-function during simulation, using third-party software.

  • The first example uses the Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2022 environment.

  • The second example debugs an S-function on Linux® platform.

Refer to your compiler documentation for further information on debugging files.

Debug in Simulink Environment

Before you begin, make sure you have a good understanding of how to write C S-functions and the required callback methods. For assistance:

  • Use the S-Function Builder block to generate simple S-functions and study the contents of the source files.

  • Inspect the S-function example models available in sfundemos. The folder matlabroot/simulink/sfuntemplates/src (open) contains the S-function source files for these models.

If your S-function is not compiling, first ensure that the mex command is properly configured and your S-function includes all necessary files:

  • Run mex -setup to ensure that your compiler is correctly installed.

  • Confirm that you are passing all the source files needed by your S-function to the mex command.

  • Check that these additional source files are on the MATLAB® path.

  • Make sure that your S-function includes the simstruc.h header file. If you are accessing legacy code, make sure that any header files needed by that code are also included in your S-function.

  • Make sure that your S-function does not include the simstruc_types.h or rtwtypes.h header files. These Simulink and Simulink Coder™ header files are automatically included for you. If you are compiling your S-function as a MEX file for simulation, including the rtwtypes.h file results in errors.

If the mex command compiles your S-function, but your S-function does not simulate or the simulation produces incorrect results, inspect your S-function source code to ensure that:

  • You are not overwriting important memory

  • You are not using any uninitialized variables

The following table describes additional common S-function constructs that can lead to compilation and simulation errors.

Does your S-function...Look for...
Use for loops to assign memory?Instances where your S-function might inadvertently assign values outside of the array bounds.
Use global variables?Locations in the code where the global variables can be corrupted. If you have multiple instances of your S-function in a model, they can write over the same memory location.
Allocate memory?Memory your S-function does not deallocate. Always free memory that your S-function allocates, using the malloc and free commands to allocate and deallocate memory, respectively.
Have direct feedthrough?

An incorrect direct feedthrough flag setting in your S-function. An S-function can access its inputs in the mdlOutputs method only if it specifies that the input ports have direct feedthrough. Accessing input signals in mdlOutputs when the input port direct feedthrough flag is set to false leads to indeterminate behavior. To check if you have a direct feedthrough flag incorrectly set, you can turn on the model property TryForcingSFcnDF using the set_param function.

This command specifies that all S-functions in the model model_name have a direct feedthrough flag of true for all their input ports. After you turn on this property, if your simulation produces correct answers without causing an algebraic loop, one of your S-functions in the model potentially set an incorrect direct feedthrough flag. Consult the on direct feedthrough in sfuntmpl_doc.c for more information on diagnosing direct feedthrough errors.

Access input signals correctly?

Instances in the code where your S-function uses incorrect macros to access input signals, for example when accessing a discontiguous signal. Discontiguous signals result when an S-function input port is fed by a Selector block that selects every other element of a vector signal. For discontiguous input signals, use these commands.

// In mdlInitializeSizes
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, 0);
// In mdlOutputs, access the inputs using 
InputRealPtrsType uPtrs1 = 

For contiguous input signals, use these commands.

// In mdlInitializeSizes
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, 1);

// In mdlOutputs, access the inputs using
const real_T  *u0  = 
   (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0); 

/* If ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous is 0, 
ssGetInputPortSignal returns an invalid pointer.*/ 

Debugging Techniques

You can use the following techniques for additional assistance with debugging your S-function.

  • Compile the S-function in debug mode using the -g option for the mex command. This enables additional diagnostics features that are called only when you compile your S-function in debug mode.

  • Place ssPrintf statements inside your callback methods to ensure that they are running and that they are executing in the order you expect. Also, use ssPrintf statements to print return values to the MATLAB command prompt to check if your code is producing the expected results.

  • Type feature memstats at the MATLAB command prompt to query the memory usage.

  • Use the MATLAB File & folder Comparisons tool, or other text differencing application, to look for textual changes in different versions of your S-function. This can help you locate changes that disabled an S-function that previously compiled and ran. See Compare Files and Folders and Merge Files for instructions on how to use the File & folder Comparisons tool.

  • Use settings on the Configuration Parameters dialog box to check for memory problems.

  • Separate the S-function's algorithm from its Simulink interface then use the S-Function Builder block to generate a new Simulink interface for the algorithm. The S-Function Builder block ensures that the interface is implemented in the most consistent method.

Automatically Launch Third-Party Software from Simulink for Debugging C MEX S-Function

This section provides an example of how to launch an external debugger directly from Simulink to debug your C MEX S-function.

Before beginning the example, save the files sfcndemo_timestwo and timestwo.c into your working folder.

  1. Ensure that you have a compatible compiler installed in your system. Run mex -setup in the MATLAB command line to select a compiler.

  2. Open the Simulink model sfcndemo_timestwo.

  3. Create a version of the MEX file that you can debug by compiling the C file using the mex command with the -g option.

    mex -g timestwo.c

    The -g option creates the executable timestwo.mexw64 with debugging symbols included. At this point, you may want to simulate the sfcndemo_timestwo model to ensure it runs properly.

  4. Go to the Debug tab in Simulink and select Set Breakpoints in Custom Code option. This opens the Select Entities to Debug dialog box that lists entities that can be debugged.

    Launch the external debugger from the debug tab in Simulink, select Set Breakpoints in Custom Code from the drop-down of Add Breakpoint

  5. Select the S-function listed as sfcndemo_timestwo/Input Times 2 S-Function under S-function Blocks and move it to Selected Entities.

    Dialog box showing entities that can be debugged with the S-function in the model listed here.

  6. Click Open to launch the external debugger.

  7. Set a breakpoint on the desired line of code by right-clicking on the line and selecting Breakpoint > Insert Breakpoint from the context menu. If you have not previously run the model, the breakpoint may show up with a question mark, indicating that the executable is not loaded. Subsequently running the model loads the mex file and removes the question mark from the breakpoint.

  8. Start the simulation from the sfcndemo_timestwo Simulink model. This should enable you to start debugging the S-function from your debugger.

Manually Configure Simulink and Third-Party Software for Debugging C MEX S-Function

You can debug and profile the algorithm portion of your S-function using third-party software if you separate the algorithm from the S-function's Simulink interface. You cannot debug and profile the S-function's interface with the Simulink engine because the Simulink interface code does not ship with the product.

You can additionally use third-party software to debug an S-function during simulation, as shown in the following two examples. These examples use the Simulink model sfcndemo_timestwo and the C MEX S-function timestwo.c.

Debugging C MEX S-Functions Using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Environment

Before beginning the example, save the files sfcndemo_timestwo and timestwo.c into your working folder.

  1. Open the Simulink model sfcndemo_timestwo.

  2. Create a version of the MEX file that you can debug by compiling the C file using the mex command with the -g option.

    mex -g timestwo.c

    The -g option creates the executable timestwo.mexw64 with debugging symbols included. At this point, you may want to simulate the sfcndemo_timestwo model to ensure it runs properly.

  3. Without exiting the MATLAB environment, start Microsoft Visual Studio.

  4. From the Microsoft Development Environment menu bar, select Debug > Attach to Process.

  5. In the Attach to Process dialog box that opens, select the MATLAB.exe process in the Available Processes list.

  6. For the Attach to: option, select Native from the list of code types and click OK. You should now be attached to the MATLAB process.

  7. Clear the MEX functions in MATLAB using the clear command.

    clear mex
  8. From the Microsoft Development Environment File menu, select Open > File. Select the timestwo.c source files from the file browser that opens.

  9. Set a breakpoint on the desired line of code by right-clicking on the line and selecting Breakpoint > Insert Breakpoint from the context menu. If you have not previously run the model, the breakpoint may show up with a question mark, indicating that the executable is not loaded. Subsequently running the model loads the .mexw64 file and removes the question mark from the breakpoint.

  10. Start the simulation from the sfcndemo_timestwo Simulink model. This should enable you to start debugging the S-function from the Microsoft Development Environment.

Debugging C MEX S-Functions on Linux Platforms

Before beginning the example, save the files sfcndemo_timestwo and timestwo.c into your working folder.

Create a version of the MEX file for debugging:

  1. Open the Simulink model sfcndemo_timestwo.

  2. Create a version of the MEX file that you can debug by compiling the C file using the mex command with the -g option:

    mex -g timestwo.c

    The -g option creates the executable timestwo.mexa64 with debugging symbols included.

  3. Simulate the sfcndemo_timestwo model to ensure it runs properly.

  4. Exit the MATLAB environment.

Debug the MEX file:

  1. Start the MATLAB environment in debugging mode using this command:

    matlab -D<nameOfDebugger>

    The -D flag starts the MATLAB environment within the specified debugger. For example, to use the gdb debugging tool on the Linux platform, enter this command.

    matlab -Dgdb
  2. Once the debugger has loaded, continue loading the MATLAB environment by typing run at the debugger prompt (gdb).

    run -nodesktop
    Starting program: matlab


    The debugger might stop on spurious segmentation violation signals that result from interactions with the underlying Java® Virtual Machine (JVM®). You can ignore these messages and continue, using the cont command. If you are not debugging segmentation violation signals and want to suppress these messages, enter the command handle SIGSEGV nostop noprint pass.

  3. Open the sfcndemo_timestwo Simulink model.

  4. Press Ctrl+C to open the debugger.

  5. At the (gdb) prompt, set breakpoints in the source code, for example:

    break timestwo.c:37
    Breakpoint 1 (timestwo.c:37) pending
  6. At the (gdb) prompt, enter the cont command to continue.

  7. Use your debugger routines to debug the S-function. For more information, see the gdb documentation that is part of your operating system documentation.

See Also

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