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Simulink용 System object 사용자 지정하기

MATLAB System 블록에 사용할 System object™ 사용자 지정

MATLAB System 블록을 사용하면 MATLAB®에서 정의한 System object를 Simulink®에서 블록으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 블록 모양 또는 출력을 제어하거나 For Each Subsystem에서 System object를 사용하도록 활성화하려면 제공된 구현 메서드를 사용하여 System object를 사용자 지정하십시오. System object를 정의하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 기본 System object 정의하기 항목 또는 System object 항목을 참조하십시오.


모두 확장

getIconImplName to display as block icon
getHeaderImplHeader for System object display
getInputNamesImplNames of MATLAB System block input ports
getOutputNamesImplNames of MATLAB System block output ports
getPropertyGroupsImplProperty groups for System object display
getSimulateUsingImplSpecify value for Simulate using parameter
showSimulateUsingImplVisibility of Simulate using parameter
showFiSettingsImplFixed point data type tab visibility for System objects
allowModelReferenceDiscreteSampleTimeInheritanceImplModel reference sample time inheritance status for discrete sample times
getGlobalNamesImplGlobal variable names for MATLAB System block
getDiscreteStateImplDiscrete state property values
getDiscreteStateSpecificationImplDiscrete state size, data type, and complexity
getOutputDataTypeImplData types of output ports
getOutputSizeImplSizes of output ports
getSimulinkFunctionNamesImplRegister Simulink function names used in your System object
getInterfaceImplSet System object as message or data
isOutputComplexImplComplexity of output ports
isOutputFixedSizeImplFixed- or variable-size output ports
processTunedPropertiesImplAction when tunable properties change
propagatedInputComplexityComplexity of input during Simulink propagation
propagatedInputDataTypeData type of input during Simulink propagation
propagatedInputFixedSizeFixed-size status of input during Simulink propagation
propagatedInputSizeSize of input during Simulink propagation
isInputDirectFeedthroughImplDirect feedthrough status of input
outputImplOutput calculation from input or internal state of System object
updateImplUpdate object states based on inputs
createSampleTimeCreate sample time specification object
getSampleTimeImplSpecify sample time type, offset time, and sample time
getSampleTimeQuery sample time
getCurrentTimeMATLAB System 블록의 현재 시뮬레이션 시간
setNumTicksUntilNextHitSet the number of ticks in Simulink sample time
supportsMultipleInstanceImplSupport System object in Simulink For Each subsystem


모두 확장

matlab.system.display.IconSpecify custom image as icon for MATLAB System block
matlab.system.display.ActionCreate custom button in Block Parameters dialog box for MATLAB System block
matlab.system.display.HeaderSpecify header in Block Parameters dialog box for MATLAB System block
matlab.system.display.SectionCreate property group section in Block Parameters dialog box for MATLAB System block
matlab.system.display.SectionGroupCreate nested groupings of properties in Block Parameters dialog box for MATLAB System block

도움말 항목

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블록 모양

입력값과 출력값

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