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Visualize and Interpret Serial Link Project Analysis Results

Visualize and interpret the network characterization and statistical and time domain analysis results

Using the Serial Link Designer app, you can analyze the results of network characterization and statistical and time domain analysis. The app reports various metrics and visualizations including the eye diagrams, bathtubs, and contours to provide insight into your design. You can also use data mining and advanced visualization techniques to narrow down the large simulation data to focus on the area of your interest.


Serial Link DesignerAnalyze PCB designs for serial link applications (Since R2021b)
Signal Integrity ViewerView the signal integrity results of Serial Link Designer or Parallel Link Designer apps (Since R2021b)


Eye MeasurementCalculate metrics from eye diagram (Since R2024a)


eyeDiagramSICreate eye diagram from time-domain data (Since R2024a)
eyeContourContour of eye opening from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
eyeMaskShape and size mask of eye opening (Since R2024a)


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eyeHeightMeasure vertical eye opening (Since R2024a)
eyeWidthMeasure horizontal eye opening (Since R2024a)
eyeAreaMeasure eye area (Since R2024a)
eyeAmplitudeMeasure eye amplitude (Since R2024a)
eyeLevelsMeasure symbol level statistics from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
eyeCenterMeasure eye center point (Since R2024a)
eyeCrossingMeasure eye crossing points (Since R2024a)
risetimeMeasure rise time from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
falltimeMeasure fall time from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
vecMeasure vertical eye closure (Since R2024a)
comMeasure channel operating margin (Since R2024a)
eyeLinearityMeasure eye linearity (Since R2024a)
upperContourMeasure upper contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
lowerContourMeasure lower contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
closedContourMeasure closed contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
marginCalculate margins of eye contour from mask (Since R2024a)
plotPlot eye diagram, eye contour, or eye mask object (Since R2024a)
bathtubPlot bathtub curves (Since R2024a)
sliceExtract slice from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
jitterMeasure jitter metrics from waveforms (Since R2024b)
jitterTotalMeasure total jitter metric from waveform (Since R2024b)
jitterRandomMeasure random jitter from waveform (Since R2024b)
jitterDeterministicMeasure deterministic jitter from waveform (Since R2024b)
jitterDataDependentMeasure data-dependent jitter from waveform (Since R2024b)
jitterDutyCycleMeasure jitter correlated with duty cycle distortion (Since R2024b)
jitterIntersymbolMeasure jitter correlated with intersymbol interference (Since R2024b)
jitterPeriodicMeasure periodic jitter from waveform (Since R2024b)
jitterSinusoidalMeasure sinusoidal jitter from waveform (Since R2024b)
timingErrorMeasure timing error from waveform (Since R2024b)
timeIntervalErrorMeasure time interval error (Since R2024b)


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